DOES CBD REALLY DO ANYTHING? Real Doctor Explains Everything You Need Know About Cannabidiol CBD Oil

DOES CBD REALLY DO ANYTHING? Real Doctor Explains Everything You Need Know About Cannabidiol CBD Oil. Doctor ER Jordan Wagner is back to …


  1. I used it to help me quit morphine and oxycodone (prescribed) and I use it for the chronic pain for which the narcotics were originally prescribed. My household uses it for relaxation, anti-anxiety and insomnia. (I also use turmeric for it's anti-inflammatory purpose, but we have just ended 6 months with just that. Our next experiment is to try the CDB alone for the chronic pain and see how that goes. After that we plan to document 6 months of the use of both together). I am diagnosed with Primary Sjogren's Syndrome.

  2. I know that single cases don't make a large impact on the overall research database. How would one get a family member's experience to the right people (he quit using CDB for a bit and the cancer returned)?. He started back on it, and was marked clear again – but the cancer had metastasized to his brain. I would love some more information on cancer and CBD.

  3. I have multiple of the illnesses listed and take 50 mg a day of full spectrum hemp with CBD and it has changed mine and my dogs life with cancer. They gave her 90 days and she lived happy and in less pain than on prescription drugs. She Lived 2 years. Read the label some are just hemp oil has to be full spectrum hemp and watch the mg. Some are 25 mg the whole bottle and not per serving. And if the company has their CBD labratory monitored. All these are right can change your life. Can; remember each person is different and it doesn't always work on some people especially when it comes to cancer. But it can improve certain symptoms.

  4. I used a CBD..I live in a state that has not legalize medical marijuana.. only CBD oils without THC. I didn't receive any help for my pain. I think the problem was with the the one I was talking taking

  5. CBD ( cannabidiol ) metabolizes in the endocannabinoid system as an cb2 Antagonist … that means that CBD does not go into the cb2 it modulates the Epoxides and fatty acid binding proteins that functionally drive endocannabinoid production ( lipid signaling) .

  6. I heard that people are getting lead poisoning from CBD. If you know anything about lead poisoning you won't know. It causes a lot of health problems including mental. I'm not talking about you might it will.

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