Orange Police seize 11 pounds of marijuana after finding Milford man asleep in school bus

Photo of Liz Hardaway

ORANGE — A man was found asleep in a school bus Thursday morning before officers seized more than 11 pounds of marijuana from his car, according to the Orange Police Department.

A little after 5 a.m., employees of a local school bus company arrived to work and found a suspicious vehicle parked in the bus yard.

While checking the area for the vehicle’s owner, officers found Brendan O’Connor, 55, of Milford, asleep in one of the school buses, according to the Orange Police Department.

Officers took O’Connor into custody. While searching his car, they found more than 11 pounds of marijuana, as well as packaging materials, scales and cash, police said.

O’Connor was charged with operating a drug factory, sale of more than 1 kilogram of cannabis and third-degree criminal trespass, according to the police department.

He was held on a $25,000 bond and was arraigned in court Thursday morning, police said.

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