Does CBD Help with Seizures? // Video of a Seizure

CBD has helped Raelynn with many things, but unfortunately, it hasn’t significantly helped to reduce her seizures. 00:00 Intro 00:10 Talking about CBD 01:20 …


  1. So interesting to hear about Raelynn’s experiences with CBD, and to see what other’s have to say about it too in the comments. Glad it’s had some positive effects for Raelynn, hope you might see an effect on her seizures too with the new CBD you’ll be trying. Hope you had a Happy Father’s Day! ❤️❤️❤️

  2. Hailey’s hope has changed my life. Maybe y’all could try that. It’s a cbd oil that’s helped a lot of kids and adults with seizures. I’m praying for her.💕

  3. Thc/CBD tincture did help my seizures but CBD alone didn't do anything for my seizures. Is cannabis legal if Raelynn had a medical Marijuana card or is it recreational legal in your state? If you can get Raelynn a medical Marijuana card you could make a CBD/THC tincture for Raelynn with a 1:1 ratio of CBD/THC tincture there is Marijuana that has more CBD than THC and the small amount of THC could help decrease her seizures. Please research CBD to THC ratios for tincture. I was going into a seizure when my service dog alerted me and was able to take my THC/CBD tincture and it stopped my seizure. Try to get Raelynn a medical Marijuana card it should help a lot.

  4. The CBD is the most effective of all AED's Victoria takes. I see you use Epidolex now. With what you are going to change?
    Finding the right oil, concentration and dosage. It turned out to be a process as well as finding the right combination of anticonvulsants. Cannabidiol is metabolized differently depending on the individual characteristics of the body in each person. Therefore, not every oil is suitable for every type of epilepsy, ie. if an 8-year-old child with Drave's syndrome is helped by, say, CBD- Charlotte's web, the same oil may not be helped by another child even though it has the same syndrome.
    I wish you success from the bottom of my heart. I want to see her beautiful smile more often.
    Victoria is currently using Cibdol oil and so far I am very happy with it. The milder seizures became less frequent, and the more severe ones became 1-2 times a week, as before the oil reached 81 strong seizures per month. Now it is about 10-12, not to mention a big word, because that the summer is coming, and due to the high temperatures, her seizures become more frequent.

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