Seizures in Dogs – Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment | Southeast Veterinary Neurology

A seizure is an abnormal burst of electrical activity in the brain. The cells that make up the brain, neurons, communicate with each other using electrical signals.


  1. We are refugees living in Paraguay and have a male dog about 9 months old which we found thrown away next to a road when he was around 5 days old. We raised him on diluted cow's milk with egg added. At about 6 weeks old we dewormed him as he had a very heavy roundworm infestation. At about 2 months old he had his first seizure. At around 5 months old his stool was white after he drank some cows milk. He was seizure free for some time, but has recently started getting it again, sometimes more than one per day, lasting up to 15 minutes. It also appears as if he has a high fever during attacks. We cannot afford blood tests etc. and are doing the best within our budget. We suspect it is a calcium deficiency as he also has twitches and weakness in his hind legs.

  2. Our dog is now having seizures just right after she gave birth a week ago. It was her first time giving birth, she is only 1 year old. It keeps happening almost 4-5 times a day and will last for 1-2 minutes. She is now so skinny, she can't even walk and sit properly. She doesn't bark or make any noise. And she doesn't want to eat anymore. 🙁

  3. My 12 year old yorkie has been having mini seizures for over 12 months now. They started off once every few weeks and are now several per week. They only last a few seconds and she seems unaware afterwards that anything's even happened. This morning she urinated after the seizure and it's just happened again this evening! She seemed a little dazed after the second time, but then appeared to fully recover. She is now sleeping. I will speak to the vets in the morning, I don't want to put her through check ups tonight. In the meantime, do you have any advice you can offer please? 🙏🏼

  4. One thing I know for sure: I will NEVER give my 4.5lb dog flea medicine ever again. She began having seizures after being given a Capstar by a groomer when she was 4. She’s 17 now, thank god.. but she has had seizures frequently ever since that day.

  5. My 7 month old Rottweiler passed away last night. She had cluster seizures once two months ago but she did have a foreign material and was thought at that time it was due to the foreign material because she stopped once removed. She did fine after that blood work always normal and she was a completely normal pup. Then yesterday suddenly she had another group of cluster seizures 6 by the time we got her to the vet. We did X-rays and blood work everything was clear nothing alarming as to what was causing it but she did aspirate during her seizures. She was then given a propofol drip to help control the seizures as she had about 12 already. Unfortunately she passed away. We are devastated we don’t know if there’s something we did wrong or was this something genetic that we couldn’t control. We just recently lost our first Rottie back in March due to cancer and then we got our little pup after and now we lost her also. We are at a loss for words and just wish we can have some answers to give us peace.

  6. 7 month old Rottweiler just started having seizures 😭 blood test came back normal but I'm wondering if eating crab apples can do this? I've already seen a neurologist and emergency center. Currently on keppra.

  7. thank you for the video! I have a 13 week golden/lab/? mix. I got her last week so I don't know when the seizures started. In the week I've had her, she's had 5 mild seizures, lasting about five seconds for the main phase and about one minute altogether, at least 24 hr apart. I won't have the money to take her to the vet for two weeks. Any advice? She seems healthy otherwise, clumsy and sleepy but normal puppy behavior.

  8. I took my dog to see Dr. Wong before because he used to have seizures. I must say Dr. Wong was able to treat my dog normal vet could not. Thank you Dr. Wong!!!

  9. All your videos are brilliant, thank you Doc … still waiting for a response to my comment on another video about what else can be tested for LMND; my dog is in PAIN and the vet/specialist is doing nothing about it

  10. Will you please suggest me that my 2 and half year dachshund has seizures since 1 year. Recently I have started giving her Phenobarbital 30 mg but since then I’m noticing that her body started shaking while touching her upper body such as neck and back. Please tell me what’ll I do.

  11. If you think or know that you have lead based paint in your home or apartment, this might be causing your animals seizures. My first chihuahua had seizures. They started when I moved into an apartment that had lead based paint (before that, she was fine) and then when we moved, they stopped. Just a suggestion if there is a way to check your animals lead levels. I didn't think of this until after she died. Maybe her lead levels were high. Just a theory – it couldn't hurt to check.

  12. Our rescue groups are seeing more seizures in dogs than ever before. Our world is polluted and unsafe for all of us. We have got to get things cleaned up if we should expect to ever live normal lives…

  13. Thanks for the great video! I use aloe juice for my dog. I buy it at Walmart and give him a 1/4 cup morning and evening. It has cut his seizures down to a small one about every six weeks. My vet said if it works, it's better than drugs and that the seizures he has are called marker seizures. He would have them even with the phenobarbital. Thanks again!

  14. My dog had his first seizure at 5 yo.. some weeks later, my other dog (he's son of the first one) had his first seizure, at age of 3. They are both male, Brazilian Terriers. I go running with them since they were young (about 1yo), in average a distance of a 4 miles (maximal 6 miles), at most frequently 3 times a week.. We always make a pause halfway and I release them for some minutes… They never seemed exhausted and they keep the whole way heading the way and pulling their leashes.

    Now I don't now if all this exercise may have cause their seizures. I can't find a reliable reference about it.. and whether I can keep on exercising them or not. Some discourage, some say it's good for their health…

  15. Can you help me what is the real reason why my dog has seizures, it happens 3x a day sometimes. I believe it is not a idiopathic epilepsy because she's been having seizures at very young age 2 months old. It is so heartbreaking seeing her like that 😭🙏🏼

  16. Doc, you need to add "PSYCOPATHIC GOVT EMPLOYEES' to that list of causes of seizures, And also CELL PHONES, because that's what I caught agents using to cause my dog's seizures. Also know they poisoned a puppy I had years ago, in order to hurt me. There is nothing these monsters won't do to us..please ask your patients if they have been targeted by govt agents and check the inside of their wrists and knees with a magnifying glass, to see if they have been injected with the same evil tech I found in MY wrists and knees..also see if their dog's seizures are CAUSED by these sick monsters, just as MY dog's seizures were..please see my comments below, and watch Dr Carrie madej vids and know the vax has this same brain hacking tech in them.

  17. This was great overview. My 13 yo Chihuahua has his first seizure this week. I had noticed some focal tonic seizure before this but didn't think much until I awoke to a full blown t-c sz. that lasted about 3 min until he went post ictal. His labs were unremarkable, his CSF was unremarkable and his MRI was mostly unremarkable except for a few microbleeds that were < 2mm. So nothing glaring other then a few microbleeds. He is now on zonisamide and has been stable, just lots of yawning and some mouth movements ocassionaly

  18. I have adopted abandoned 3 months great Dane dog puppy which is getting seizures 3 to 4 times in a day.. that dog is extremely malnourished.. after the every seizure episode this puppy behaving extremely wild with foam in its mouth.. is it rabies..?? I am affraid.. anyone please kindly help me.. 🙏🙏

  19. Thank you for the thorough explanation. I strongly believe my dog comes into the third category. It doesn't happen often, maybe once in two months, and sometimes let longer than that. I think what triggers his epilepsy is pork, it r happens when I give him pork bones. It's really hard to watch him suffer. Although the epilepsy may occur for less than a minute, but it always seems so long

  20. My dog did get fit two times andnow his backside of the body (including two legs in the back) is quite unbalanced.And he cant run as usual . His body is unblancing and he is rolling down. What shall i do. I take him to several doctors and one said it has poisoned and one doctor even did a blood test. Blood test was normal.

  21. My dog is 16 years old now. One and half year ago, his dog friend died and we move to a new house, he started having skin problems. His vet give him some medicated shampoo to control his skin problems. When the skin problems was serious, his vet let him take some antibiotics. And his dog food also changed to some derm defense dog food, I also will give him some chicken fillet every meals . I am not sure whether the treatment of his skin problems cause seizure or there is some brain problems cause his skin problems!
    In Jan, the first time of seizure happened for 2 mins and he was incontinence, after 3 hours, seizure happened again for 1 mins. Then we take him to hospital immediately, they help him to do blood test, only find out he has a little bit low blood sugar but they said this will not cause seizure. Then they said may due to brain tumour or infection of nerves, but doing the test needed anesthesia. Due to his old age, we have not do the test. We think even find out he has tumour, he is too old to take surgery.
    We are now giving him oral medication every day twice. Yesterday, seizure happened again for 1 min. I am so scare now the oral medication cannot control his seizure.
    What can I do now?

  22. My dog got vaccinated then he started having seziures, like his legs shake at night and cries a lot, unable to sleep, he eats food properlt and while walking his hind legs shake. Im not sure how to cure it as vetrenarian is also not sure why its causing. I feel so sad for the dog, we did massage and other medications but no help. He sleeps during day on warm sun he dosent cry while sleeping but at cold nights he cries a lot and cant sleep. Kindly suggest, he is 6 months old.

  23. My Luna Gail turned a year on 1/14/21. On 3/27/21 I took her to ER Vet because she seemed anxious, was trembling and drooling. She threw up once we got to the clinic. After 4 hours of waiting, labs were done and they were normal. The vet prescribed no meds and said to keep a diary of any other episodes. It was scary. I just lost my 14 year old Oreo last year 4/28/20 from kidney disease. Losing Luna would hurt me.

  24. My dog (who was about 6 months old at the time) started having seizures about 2 weeks after we purchased a kitten he had them for three years every week sometimes 3 times a week till unfortunately our cat got run over after that he didn’t have another seizure. We can only assume he was allergic to the cat although the vet said she had never come across it before and we didn’t put 2 and 2 together before that. The cat used to sleep with the dog they used to get on very well. He is now 12 years old and hasn’t had a seizure for 8 1/2 years

  25. My dog started having seizures. It happens once or twice a week. He starts shaking specially his head and vomits clear stick vomits and pees and poops at the same time. Took to vet did blood,poop lab test and found nothing next step is a MRI. ANY ADVICE? THX

  26. My dog has been having them more frequently the last few days and her head is hot. What can I do to get her cooled down? Will baby Tylenol help? Is that what is causing them? She’s 4 yo and started to get them a year ago. She was the runt of her litter and I am surprised she is still with us due to her issues. I’m thinking maybe her blood sugar is low.

  27. Homecooked fresh food diet with a small amount of grain free kibble seems to help .. Also doing well with Turmeric and Honey added to food . Healthy treats such as Carrots and Green beans help too .. Stay away from Flea Tick meds ..

  28. I have a 2 yr old American bully that recently started to have seizures.
    He is currently on the Keppra and phenobarbital.
    He started to seize today. Putting him to sleep is now coming up for discussion because of the costly emergency visits.
    After doing research online and with my dog only being 2, I don’t want to put him to sleep because he seems fine after he seizes.. but I also don’t want him to be suffering.

  29. Our 4month old pup is having seizures for the past days and its affecting his head and eyes. We can't take him to the vet because we are not financially stable at the moment. He is weak but he is eating and drinking water. What home remedy should we give him?

  30. Hi sir,
    My dog is suffering from canine distemper. Early days seizures are occurring 3-4 times an hour but from today onwards seizures are not stopped. I hope you reply asap 🤤Sorry for my english.

  31. Dr. Wong, being a physician & working in ortho I can appreciate your clear orderly and concise explanation for seizures. I really appreciate it. ( saved me lots of time and effort scowering texts ) Our Abbey is starting to have them and it gives me a great sense of comfort ( likely) ruling out inside causes. We will bring her in for further eval.

  32. Thank you so much for ur detailed explanation sir..Mine is a male gsd dog. He came across his first seizure when he was at the age of two years. Now he is three years old and for the past one year he is suffering a lot with this seizure. From ur detailed chart I came to know that it must be idiopathic seizure. Our Vet prescribed him Phenobarbital but it is of no use. My gsd is getting along with this once in 15 days. I am really helpless. Can I give him keppra???? Or CBD oil??? Expecting ur reply soon sir….

  33. My pitbull is about to be 11 yrs old and starting to get seizures when he is relaxed and gets excited real fast….what can be causing it …

  34. My Chihuahua mix is 4.5 years old and he started having seizures. At first they were pretty short but today his saliva started falling out of his mouth and was wet afterwards. I dont know what's wrong with him.

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