("How to Use CBD Oil") to Manage Pain and Anxiety

Next in our series exploring how to use CBD for anxiety, pain, insomnia, and stress, we demo CBD oil. The oils work best for those suffering from chronic pain …


  1. This is my first time watching this video this is my first time using the oils I’ve been taking payments like norco ifor many many years and I want to get off of them I take 3 to 2 pills per day so I’m hoping this will help him I would like to know what you think if it’s really what I really need to do thank you

  2. So if you're starting out should you just try a quarter drop for a full day? Or quarter drop I'm the morning & if you didn't feel a difference then go to a half a drop in the afternoon? & also how many mg should you start out with?

  3. Hi, I developed chronic breathing problem since 2014 and ever since then I always feel little tightness restriction, labored breathing, struggle to breathe deeply and also developed anxiety and sleeping problems because of it. Every now and then my symptoms gets worse and I tried many different medications as well as Ashwagandha. Would you recommend me to start CBD oil to help with my symptoms and how much should I take and how often?

  4. Hi – Thank you for this informative video. I wanted to ask if there is a different from CBD tincture or CBD oil. I see a lot of CBD oils on the market but it does not mention tincture on the label. Is it the same thing?

  5. Hi my sister has chronic pain and was prescribed cbd oil. My niece sent a pic of the label. I live in another country and can't be with her. lm wondering if the strength is enough. It's a 40 mil bottle w cbd 26.6mg and thc <0.1mg.? I read on a cannabis cbd clinic website, their recommendation for chronic pain is 25mg. Her daughters have been administering the dosage on the bottle every 2hrs since they were given it 4 days ago but saying it's not enough. If possible are you able to offer your knowledge regarding administering 25mg of the oil they have? or whether they would need to get a different strength. They live in New Zealand

    Your input is much appreciated and thank you in advance.

  6. I have severe ADHD, Anxiety, and I get pretty down abt my life sometimes. I smoked mamajuana to self medicate for a while and that helped. I'm not young anymore so I figure if I kept smoking there wouldn't be much of a life left to live so now I'm here, Just tried my first half dropper lets c how it goes

  7. My mom has been using CBD oil for a couple of years now for her back pain it's done wonders for her. Now I am trying it myself for a few weeks now, since I've gotten lot of anxiety and imsomnia. At first I didn't notice a big difference. It doesn't make me sleepy much but man once I knocked out, I don't wake up in the middle of the night anymore. I am sleeping so well. Will continue to use, I'm slowing lowering the dosage btw.

  8. I have my first bottle of full spectrum hemp extract. It quotes serving size l dropper. ? Bottle size 30 ml (100 mg). It also qoutes 25 servings per container. I thought that a dropper would be too much. I have no knowledge of this product, and my friend says she takes only actual drops on the tongue, about 3 – 10 drops.
    Can you please help, I have a lot of pain R/A.
    Thank you, Josie.

  9. What strength of CBD oil I should buy I am taking SNRI antidepression duloxtine 60mg per night for my constant migrain. Its more like burning pain on my right side head . Should I take 1500mg or less. Please advise

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