1. As somebody that’s thinking about taking cbd gummies , This stupid ass video has helped me absolutely zero percent in my choice making. I’ll never watch anything from this channel again. Surprised you had 5 people and none of them explained anything at all helpful to someone who is curious about trying cbd gummies. This video sucks .

  2. Come on really y'all that's how this goes CBD trying to figure out what to do to you nothing supposed to be a pain reliever relaxing I d0 have any psychosis effect from CBD I'm one of them people who like The psychosis effect of THC . That's just me but I think you females are a little strange when it comes to trying to find something to alleviate your stress anxiety depression life is just one big ball of crap just smoke a joint call it a day

  3. After many failed attempts with other brands I finally found this brand. The products at Weedborn are the best and I don't think I will ever have to look for another CBD supplier again.

  4. "CBD is for people who do not have a weed plug and can't afford a psychiatrist."

    I don't want to be high on psychoactive drugs during work when I'm having a panic attack. Person clearly doesn't understand why people use CBD.

    Also: "I really though of CBD gummies as something that rich people who love Goop and the Wing are into." — contradictory?

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