Why I Take CBD/Hemp Oil

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  1. Get Herbstrong Recovery Products HERE – http://bit.ly/2OnquKo (ALIEN10 for 10% Off Order!)
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  2. It's even very unlikely you'll get high if you smoke hemp as hemp is actually 0.2% THC where as marijuana (even though from the same plant its a different part that's extracted) has more than 0.3% which is why you end up high and CBD is actually hemp

  3. Dude you need CBD oil you looked like you snorted a bag of cocaine to the face you need to calm down. I have self adrenaline I need cbd to calm the fuck down.

  4. Dude, get off the steroids and Meth. HAHAHA! BLAH ………BABABABABABABABAHHHHHHHHHHHH…..BABABABABA.
    You would make a good singer. You don't breathe between sentences. AAAAABABAABABABABABA

  5. I'm just now seeing this video at least I think. Yes I have a lot of pain and have to do lots of stretching. So this supplement helps you with everything? I'm looking more into this before getting it but it's looking up so far. I tried doing a normal deadlift as something light to me, which is 185 lbs. My wrists blew up and couldn't go on. So what all does this stuff do for you? I'm very into Jesus but I dont do religion but I guess he wants me to do some physical things on my own. I recently prayed about this and got an answer from the 700 club about it being ok since it does a lot of great things. Any thoughts on this stuff? Mostly the muscle and aches and pains.

  6. My sister thinks cbd is bad saying things like how can you beleive the internet about the benefits and stuff saying even before the internet we knew it was bad . I said um because big business company's made it seem bad because of money. She also said the reason it's being accepted now is for money. She thinks it nothing but bad. I'm like do your research. I swear she just jumps straight to conclusions not even doing the slightest research. Next time I'll know never to show her nothing anymore. Cant even change her mind on shit. Pisses me off. Biggest pet peeve when people don't know shit about something and act like they know soooo much. When I told her and showed her what I was gonna buy for anxiety she goes on to say now your gonna get hooked on that. As if its addictive hahah it's not addictive those fucking pills from big pharma are addictive and dangerous at least I'm going the natural way.

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