What You Should Know Before Taking Kratom

Should this supplement be regulated? Or taken off the market? The Doctors discuss what you should know before taking Kratom. Subscribe to The Doctors: …


  1. This stuff is the worst im addicted to this stuff to were i feel like dieing every time i have to take it. I use it for work and ya if not education your just another heroine addict or at least that's how i feel.

  2. I have a years worth of experience with Kratom after I fractured my leg. Kratom is evil. You will feel unbelievably depressed after about a week of taking it. You will then want to take more and more all while sinking lower onto depression. STAY AWAY!

  3. Kratom has saved my life. I have Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS). And I'm only able to sleep for 2-3 hours a day because of this and was on a spiral. I can hardly focus at work due to lack of sleep and was already hopeless. I've tried a lot of sleep aids and home remedies and even sleeping pills but non worked, until I came across kratom. It gave me my life back and I'm saddened by these people in the show who are against it. I pray to God that you don't experience the sufferings we've had, but if you do, you'll probably know where we are coming from because obviously you don't know what you are talking about. You don't have to wait for a loved one to suffer before you open your eyes to its benefits. We are real people benefitting from it. Don't kill us.

  4. Kratom may very well not be dangerous even at high doses, this drug doesn't allow you to get messed up or to be able to stomach an amount that is too much, unless it is mixed with dangerous regulated opioid supplements for instance. As with most excepted or regulated herbal supplements, they are god given medication. It is immoral to justify making something illegal because legal guidelines say it cant be measured… If we were to except this, no authority will actually even try to measure it as some seems to believe, or even do their job that is seemingly so important. They wont at all or until the government can find a way to profit from it.

    Those guidelines are supposed to be for the people, not to make controlling citizens easier…Some people would hate to hear that. These supposed guidelines we speak of do not work and are laughable to most of the world. If it was a fair system, kratom would be regulated already. It does not justify that artificial sugars took so long to regulate, that is admitting failure. We all should have higher standards. Not personal gain.

    The same drugs many deem "regulated" are much less regulated than they seem, more than most people understand, to the point of this being a blatant lie. More people abuse the system, more than any one gets any benefit from them. Kratom will defy this damning cycle. It has saved hundreds of thousands of lives. People like inherently dangerous addicts and officials are the problems, not the substances themselves. This makes me angry but I wont say why, because please people, don't let your anger show in this fight or you will be judged harshly, made an example of.

  5. One of the biggest concerns for pharmaceutical companies and people in the medical profession is that if Kratom actually helps with pain relief then they won't be able to get as many people addicted to opioids and then lead them down a road of lifetime visits to the Methadone clinic. Or lifetime prescriptions for Suboxen.

  6. I don't use Kratom, but the statement that we need to submit literature to clarify its benefits it's just so the pharmaceutical companies can smack a $500 price tag or more on it.

    Please, I use chamomile pills and magnesium to reduce my anxiety and it works better than Xanax.

  7. Notice how he jangles the bag in his hand like it's heroin or some crazy drug that's gonna crush your child's soul. It's not addictive I've been taking kratom for 7 years for stroke symptoms from GETTING OFF METHADONE.. never looked back.

    He doesn't know what grams are??? He prolly does a 8 ball a day+

    End up under the bridge? Your the only one saying that.
    Regulate it? That's means: "how can we get money for this"

    Never heard of it? It's been around since the begging of time! Mitragyna speciosa leaf. ITS IN THE COFFEE FAMILY..


  8. Is so funny you can see the guys that are defending this to be a negative thing are really interested in keeping opiates on the Shelf and painkillers it's so obvious when you listen to it they have a problem with Kratom but they don't have a problem with killing millions of people and destroying lives from painkillers and opiates so legally

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