1. Hi Dr. Jones, what is the THC ratio for the nuleaf product in your link? My dog has chronic pancreatitis, is THC bad for him, or should I go for the one with CBD only? Thanks!

  2. Vets want you to only buy from them. It's a money thing. They can't perscibe it so they won't recommend it. It works on my dog wonderful so I will continue to use it.

  3. My dog is super anxious ONLY when she’s at the kennel with me (my job) my parents are away for a week so she’s with me every day from 7-4, some days I have daycare or am in the play groups so she can spend some time in the groups with me. But she howls a lot and digs at the door and I bought her some CBD treats to try to give her before we get to the kennel so she can mellow out until my lunch break where I can spend some time with her.

  4. Do the hemp chews work? My dog was put on apoquel and she got a uti and i think it was cause of the meds.the vet said the reason why she gets ear infections cause of allergies.will hemp chews work as good?

  5. Hello I have a 16 yr old dog that is deteriorating due to heart failure.She hates the vets because all they ever do is poke prod and inject her(she had years if skin problems, I gave up in them and mostly I have tried natural things,alot you suggested but not with much success)I feel she s coming to the end if her life and don't want to take her to the vet because she gets extremely stressed when I do.I was wondering if I could use CBD oil to make her more comfortable.

  6. @veterinarysecrets I just purchased 3 bottles for my 50 lb pit mix..shes has a growth in her gumline between teeth and appears to have another small development on her front canine two teeth infront of the growth.. It appears her eye on the same side is red too..now allergies might be acting the eye up.. Anyways I got some cbd oil to start. Im about to watch your other videos you have on caner for dogs maybe I can add some additional treatments .

  7. My Yorkie has suffered for his entire 9 years from separation anxiety and I’ve tried everything I know to do. Except the cbd oil. He has seizures as well but it was so far and few between we decided not to put him on Any medication for them. Now they have become worse and the anxiety is worse as well which probably contributes to the seizures. I just ordered my first bottle for him. I really hope this helps him. He suffers so badly. He throws up, poops and pees on the floor shakes when he knows we are leaving. So badly that his teeth chatter. It breaks my heart. I just don’t know what else to do. Has anyone used it for separation anxiety and if so were they satisfied with it?

  8. I gave my dog the Wellapet peanut butter flavor treats and 30 minutes later we were on a walk and he looks up on me and starts freaking out / barking at me even on our way to the animal hospital and he was shaking and panting. This morning (7 hours later) he woke up screaming/whining but stopped quickly. Now we are at the vet they think it’s a reaction to it but does this sound familiar in bad reactions?

  9. You're my favorite human lol you have soo much information. My dog is a rescue and went through neglect and abuse. I've tried melatonin, it didn't help, Neither does hemp although the help helps her joints in the winter. I'll keep this information. I'd love to find something that helps keeps her at peace in some situations 😌 my dog is 69lbs, what would be an ideal dosage for her?

  10. Hi Dr. Jones! I just ordered a bunch of your CBD oil for my dog to help with her hip pain. She doesn't like me putting things in her mouth or ears. Would adding the drops to one of her treats and letting her eat it be a sufficient way to administer it or is that not as good? Also, should I give it to her everyday as a supplement, or only on days when she needs it for pain? Thank you!

  11. Hi Doc I have a 14-year-old Jack Russell who is in great shape weighs about 17 pounds super active except when he stands still his back legs shake can CBD help what would you recommend?

  12. My dog is very anxious. I have a 12 yr old mini dachshund whose separation anxiety/frustration barking I've been battling for a few months. I'm moving to an apartment (currently in a duplex) in a few months and I'm terrified that I'll get noise complaints. I've been talking to the vet and we might try a different medication to see if it'll help. If anyone has more suggestions I'd love to hear them.

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