rabbit medication routine for seizures.

please if you think you can help at all with little Binky to get him a home vet and a hopeful diagnosis please go to …


  1. Hi! I'm here. You have a beautiful fluffy bunny😍💕 It is amazing he actually likes the medication. Your bunny is the lucky one to find a kind person like you❣️XOXO❤️❤️❤️

  2. You can tell minke really adores you and not only special Ed but special bunny is lucky to have you and I never knew about him boil again I’m always learning something new great video comments are amazing on you you always get a lot of comments great job great video be blessed and take care😊

  3. Aw I’m so sorry to hear that! Binky seems like such a cooperative rabbit ❤️ I’m glad Binky can still move around and interact Binky is adorable! Watching him sitting on those pillows was adorable I always wanted a bunny but I doubt my cats would approve!

  4. You are so good to Binky…and he knows this. I'm glad his seizures are under control and the treatment he receives seems to be working. Love this cute little furry sweetheart. 💖

  5. Oh, bless you Binky! You are so fortunate to have dear Steph a as your mum. She totally understands everything you have to deal with. It is beyond sad that either one of you have such difficulties, but you are definitely in this together, as are so many others all over the world. And of course Willie and I have joined Blanquito's channel. Much love to you all! Willie and his little ox!🙀🐃❤💕❤💕❤💕

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