How to Help Someone Having a Seizure // Video of 2 Seizures

Having helped my daughter through thousands of seizures, I share in this video how to help someone having a seizure.


  1. Hi! I'm sorry your daughter is sick. I will briefly say why your daughter is sick. 1. She has the first cervical vertebrae problems / head joints intact 2. She loses brain water in her skull / it can be spinal as well as in Comoros there is a leak in the brain … which cannot be detected with normal MRI / that's why she has finite seizures like epelepsy / but unfortunately she is consciously there and she Almost suffocates from her brain water / which comes through from openings of Schäsel base / She suffers a lot / that's why she has myoclonic disease all the time / she is in a lot of pain. That's why she's breathing hard too. 3 To determine if she has head and neck problems. Do you have to do a functional MRI / while sitting Uphreit U Mrt and bend your head to the side and forwards …. 4. Dr. Bolognese is the best doctor in this field / head and neck instability CSF leak syndrome Dr. Shievink 5. Do you have to do whole vertebrae spinal MRI … that's whole central nervous system. Good luck and please do something quickly that she does not suffer …. I have almost the same symptoms as your daughter … Karolina

  2. Thank you so much for your advice. I hope all is well with her and her family, and that she gets better. My friend has seizures also, and I had no idea how to help her with it. Her and I are going to school together too, so I would like to know how to help her in case this happens. Thank you so much again! 🙏🏼

  3. So,we are out for a week.taking Mariah to S.Korea for 2nd dystonia treatment,trying to get her body straitened out,not rich but she makes me rich and she is a hero.Your probly like,oh thank god he going away for a while ha ha.I know you will make great vids!

  4. 4:30am mountain standard time….Mariah is still awake….before she sleeps,she insists i text for her=Realynns mouth is dry and she feels that all the time/water suringe,i dont know but Mariah is all worried

  5. I have a friend named Chris he has seizures if I’m on the bus with him and he has one what do I do do I tell the bus driver or do I stay with him and roll him to his side if you can reply back to me about what to do let me know

  6. Such important helpful safety information to share. The first time I saw my as yet undiagnosed friend have a tonic clonic seizure, maybe 20 years ago, I had never seen a seizure and didn’t know what was happening, and I was terrified .. if only videos like this had been around back then we both would have known what was happening. As well as providing such important safety information, Raelynn’s channel spreads awareness and understanding regarding seizure disorders 👍 It looks scary and is so difficult for Raelynn of course, but it is also hopeful to see that Raelynn can have seizures and still have a good life.💗

  7. Hi I’m going to work out I’m going tomorrow morning I’m trying to get some up tomorrow morning
    Hi I’m just trying to work out the stuff tomorrow’s mornings I’m going to pick you some stuff from school tomorrow and tomorrow I’m going to work tomorrow
    I just can’t get back to the school to work out and
    I’m trying to pick up my stuff I’m going tomorrow morning I’m trying tomorrow morning anyway so I just have some stuff to

  8. I had diastat as a rescue medicine. I wonder why they did not give me a different medicine in the hospital during an hour long seizure. I did have surgery a few days later that removed three-fourths the right side of my brain and have only had one seizure since.

  9. When you use Diastat do you monitor for breathing or oxygen? Do you see many times when her oxygen will go down? Alyssa has had one seizure that we know about and she was 6. Her eeg showed that she has slow firing in her brain more so than some people.

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