Old Cat In Pain? 5 Natural Options

Dr Jones’ Free Book.. If you have an aging cat that has arthritic pain, then you should be …


  1. What a great vet free tips 😻 can I use fish oil once daily in the cat food . I have 2 cats one who’s 10 yrs about 10pounds overweight. I have given her 1000mg in breakfast this morning. I have a 13yr elderly cat who’s tiny I have given her 500mg in her breakfast is this ok?

  2. HI jones, Thanks a lot for wonderful vidoes and information. I wana ask if I can use Curcumin 185x that also contain black paper extract in it instead of 95 that u suggest. Unfortunantly I can not find the one u suggested in my country 🙁

  3. Thank you so much. My cat has been deteriorating for the past 2 months. She just started yesterday, letting me know she's in pain. I don't understand her condition, but she has been losing a lot of weight. 7 months ago, the Dr said she had no diseases. Why would a cat eat and drink normally, lose an excessive amount of weight? It doesn't make sense to me. She remains a mystery. to me.

  4. How about smearing it on his lower leg and paw. He will lick it off as part of his grooming routine. Its the only way I can get stuff like this into my aged kitty.

  5. I have 7 Cats inside and 7 outside so every $ that can be saved is more for LITTER 🙂 I must Meowt of my mind. Thanks for your great knowledge and for Sharing.

  6. You are the only vet I know, that treats naturally. My 10 year old cat had surgery 12 days ago to clean her megacolon out. Very healthy otherwise…but isn't pooping and started throwing up again. I have been using 2 mls of aloe vera at night and 2mls of senna tea in the morning. What more can I do….she's all I have.😿I was putting a pinch of psyllium in her food…but she detected and rejected. Been giving coconut oil too.😔

  7. I need some help with my dog I have tried to take him to the vet but they can't even help him with simply stopping him from scratching I've been helping him by applying coconut oil and it helps but he needs a cure he has rashes and I believe it was from a anti flea powder or a soap I used irritated his skin

  8. Thank you for this video, I have two cats one 15 years old and other 12. The older one shows signs of arthritis as well as dementia and I've been thinking about cbd oil to help with pain. I'm giving them glucosamine already. This video is very helpful.

  9. Hi Doc, in Mexico it is difficult to treat nutritional issues with older cats. Please advice me how to treat excessive daily vomit, the ultrasound shows black spots OUTSIDE Liver and Kidneys👀. 16 years old very active 5 pounds cat. Wouldn’t it be a good idea to make a video about organic foods to feed old cats. Would you please include supplements for dehydration and lost of weight! Sometimes Peptobismol it’s the only thing that helps him. He is loosing independence and gets angry and depressed alternatively. Could you help me make the best for my cat😞😔😕

  10. Thank you so much for all your suggestions.🙏🏻 my old dog, 15, has infected gums and they cannot do oral surgery. I can see it's very painful. I've tried CBD oil but it caused diarrhea. I'm at the point of considering antibiotics and pain meds, but I'm open to any advice. I realize that the infection would just come back anyway as the rotten teeth are still there. I tried plaque off but there has been no change, thank you and happy holidays!

  11. I have Wild Mediterranean Oil of Oregano,a source of antioxidants,but it’s going to make her gut worse I’m afraid. Could you text me here today,I don’t have email yet , and I know the vets calling today. Thanks . Can I rub into gums ,or I’m soaking chicken in powder probiotics.The coughing is only when she drinks ,not eats . Belching sounds afterwards,but only for a min. Last night she kept chicken down.
    I’m hoping you read my info on Joe TIPPINS taking FENDBENDAZOLE for human cancers .
    A dr also took it for terminal brain cancer. James Templeton Wellness Center,is the one interviewing Joe TIPPINS. Wild mustangs in the background and blue sky .

  12. I was in Orillia Yesterday, my cat is turning 18 in January. Their store is huge and I told everyone about this Dr . I’m concerned,because I don’t have a lot of money,and I tried to find his brand there . They found him immediately in their computer,and I said to this manager,because Drs wants to possibly put her down today. I’m freaking out . She began with a loose tooth,was seen in June and perfect,thanks to Dr Jones . But she eating,but not drinking. She begins to lick up the senior juice from her food because she doesn’t want her water,so I added extra water. But then this was the pattern.
    Tired .
    Not drinking water.
    Peeing a lot ,to no pees in 6 hours.
    Then bad loose tooth ,rotten breath was horrendous. Put on Antibiotics,Amoxicillin Clov,Pot,.
    Cleared up no pain in mouth and I do warn compresses every 4 hours . Sterilized clothes in hot water cooled down, she loves Tumeric in her food .
    She’s tender in her back end . So then two days ago ,after she began to throw up, I tried with a Chinese spoon. She began to lick up her food / juice from senior grain free chicken.
    So because I don’t have time to get dr Jones feline,I wondered if you would put your supplements in there ,the lady that helped me was Liz . I got the following.
    Collidial Silver. Only 10 ppm ,they won’t allow any higher,it says-
    Probiotics 8 Plus A-omega/Alpha .
    I bought real chicken boneless thinking she’s sick of this canned kidney diet,she dislikes the Wellness. So she scarfed the chicken down and I had it soaking in the probiotics,that are really green . I returned home ,and she had both #1 and a #2 . BM . So I was so happy.
    However she wolfed down the chicken,and it’s everywhere,she threw up again. If I give her chicken,she gobbles it ,whether or not it’s soaked in probiotics. She kept it down for 4-5 minutes. I thought I’d given her little,but she acted hungry,but if hold out spoon ,she super thirsty ,but she’s coughing,and thst growling belching sound . No diarrhea ,and it’s dark. Itinerary Colour is straw . So she keeping the Collidial Silver down ,but doses are for adults.
    The chicken wasn’t digested,she’s purring,she’s licking her fur , grooming,but it’s the coughing, can I rub this liquid probiotics into her gums . They are a purple,pink,greyish colour. Is that normal.
    The only thing I did do was give her some of my probiotics in her food but they actually said it was fine. It did help her. But what would make her cough. .? She loves ice water,but no ,so she must have drank it yesterday,because she had 3 pees yesterday,one in am , one at 3 ish ,and one at 10 pm . I’m feeding her on spoon ,she’s on my bed and has stool ,to use ,it’s not hard for her to get down.

  13. A Vet suggested I treat my dog Max, who was three years old with Medicam drug. Really! Put him on this for the rest of his life…….uh uh. I tried it for about three months. I have introduced him to a Supplement which includes Green Lipped Mussel, Chondrotin, MSM and Glucosamine ….. I give him Fish oil and sprinkle Tumeric on his grainfree kibble. He loves raw beef and white meat chicken……organ meats and lots of veggies, and some fruits; apples pealed and diced, blue berries and strawberries……..He is without the jitters which the Medicam gave him. And he responds well to controlled running and walking, as a Lab wants to go forever, and his puppy injury of fractured elbow which healed on its own; does not allow him all out running for long periods of time, or jumping. He is now six. The former owners gave him to me and they did not mention his injury. All has worked out, much to the grace of God and good Vet care after the fact. I discovered Dr. Andrew Jones a while back. He is supportive and inspiring. Thank you Dr Jones. Merry Christmas and Happy 2020.

  14. 6:13 "I'm not tryin' to tortue you …" 🙀
    My kitty gets his nutrition and supplements every day in her tuna.
    thanks Dr. Jones!!! 🐾💕
    p.s. try watching this with 'closed captions' it's hilarious!!!😂

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