Do strobe lights cause seizures? // MIRROR MAZE FUN!

Many people wonder if strobe lights trigger seizures. Our daughter has epilepsy, but strobe lights do not cause her to have …


  1. Looks like so much fun. Thanks for taking us along. Look at her look around! My seizures are photo sensitive but Benjamin’s aren’t. During the eeg when they do it to Ben I have to step out of the room.

  2. Wow, so weird and cool 🤯 your kids have doppelgängers! 🤣 That looked like a small mirror maze but I could imagine getting hopelessly lost in a large one. That effect, of mirrors reflecting mirrors, is so strange 😬 Awesome to see Raelynn smiling and having fun, good thing strobe lights don’t bother her – it seems like seizures are as individual as each individual who experiences them.

  3. Strobe lights barely bother me.
    Fireworks bother me a beey minimal it flates my auras but I haven't had a seizure.
    I never been in a mirror maze and I would surely love to go.

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