CBD Oil and Seizures in Dogs (the best treatment?) – Dog Health Vet Advice

Can you use CBD oil to treat seizures and epilepsy in dogs? If so how do you give it and what dose of CBD oil should you use?


  1. Immunocal can help tremendously to lessen or stop seizures, and it's been used to get rid of cancer too. Look into it. I've personally seen it help many humans AND animals…. it's a FOOD, so unless the animal or human is allergic to milk proteins or on immunosuppressant therapy it could be an excellent product to look into.

  2. My poor boy just suffered his first one just yesterday took to the vet and got put on levetiracetam, I want to try cbd oil for him but don't know were to start and how much dose, he's a small 3 yr old yorkie only weighs about 4 to 5 pounds he's my boy plz if anyone can help

  3. I do a lot of cooking with CBD. I use it to help with my epilipsy. I really enjoy the products at Hempful Farms because they also have a lot of cooking based CBD ingridients that you can purchase. The owner is also a professional chef!

  4. My 3 year old dog had seizure. Took him to the vet and did all the blood work. Every thing is good as far as he knows. He decided to put him on phenobarbital which I'm totally against it bec it can damage my dog's liver and gain weight. So I did my own research and CBD oil has good reviews from a lot of fur doggie parents. I decided to try to let my dog ease the situation. It is helping him good . He doesn't get seizure every day. He gets it once every 7-6 months & only last 30secs. to 1-2 minutes. My advice is to listen to your gut feeling. Only you can know about your dog. I told the vet his situation that the was his first and only lasted 30 -1 minute and he said he doesn't believe in CBD oil that it won't work and he suggested that to start phenobarbital for my 3 year old dog right away. NO WAY! I never saw that vet again. My dog is a playful dog and imagine if I give my dog every single dose of that meds. He won't be alert , he will be groggy , and it won't be the same anymore. I say CBD OIL work for a lot of dog. Pls try other solution for your pet before giving him those toxic meds. Do your research and look for other remedies. Good luck
    šŸ¶—– the ingredients of the cbd oil we are using is organic olive oil and cbd oil. that's it and works wonder! You can give it to him or her orally or mix it with food. Also calms my dog anxiety
    *******& there should only be 2-3 ingredients

  5. I have a 10 yearold boxer who vet gave a new medication and he been having seizures for a month now and vet won't see him because he bit him. Idk what do I quit the medication he never had them before but think he going die…..what can I do please help!!!?????

  6. My boxer is med resistant. Heā€™s on pheno zonisamide and keppra xr. I tried a few different cbd oils and seizures got worse. I want to try it again. Is anyoneā€™s baby on these meds where cbd helped? Heā€™s 75! Pounds. Please. Any help is so appreciated.

  7. Hello my dog is 6 years old he has a week he will be getting 6 seizure attacks in a day I took him to vet they couldnā€™t find anything wrong with him they gave me pill to give to him but if doesnā€™t work what good cbd oil would you recommend and exactly everyday or after he had the attack or is it better to give cbd treats and like everyday or after the attack happen

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