1. Joe Rogan. The reason why cannabis is legal federally is because it's so easy to grow in your own home so therefore the government can't tax and control it so they just keep it in the drug category. Also the pharm and hospitals would suffer because cannabis treats up to 140 medical conditions so there would be less sick people. It's all about money my man. Hit me back up

  2. My dad told me a story about my grandfather, when he was on his death bed after a long battle of stage 4 cancer he asked him for a joint. My dad told me he hasn't seen him that happy and content with his situation. He passed away a week later at the age of 66. I was 5 at the time. But I still remember little things about him 36 now and my dad is now 66 also (cancer free) but when that day comes I hope I can do for him what he did for his dad. IDC what anyone has to say about pot it's a miracle plant put upon this earth to help ppl. As long as it's used properly it's like anything else, too much of a good thing becomes no longer "good". Maybe some day the rest of the world will realize theasaive amount of benefits this plant has in store for the human body. Open your eyes ppl! Don't under any circumstance close them because a so called "official" told you too. Peace ,love,and intelligence to all.

  3. I seen that documentary with Henry Ford hitting a fender with a are the documentary says it's made with soy beans not Marijuana could of been a cover up in the documentary but soy beans was said to have made the fenders so strong

  4. It really is. I can only work because of cannabis. Also hemp was originally banned pre cannabis. It was originally band because it was a cheap alternative to plastic and paper

  5. God loves you Dont blaspheme the Holy Spirit it’s unforgivable.God loves you and sent his only son to die for you accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior confess your sins and repent you will be forgiven Don’t make idols Follow Gods commandments if this life is real why wouldn’t Heaven be God loves you🙏Psalms 121:2 NIV

    My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.1 John 4:15
    New International Version
    15 If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God,(A) God lives in them and they in God.(B)And love Jesus Christ confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is King and the son of God and he died on the cross for are sins and rose on the third day from the dead and accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior🙏🙏Matthew 7:7
    New International Version
    Ask, Seek, Knock(A)
    7 “Ask and it will be given to you;(B) seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

  6. My dad used to get out of school for 2 weeks every fall to pick hemp for the war effort. The monsters in charge use whatever they want to justify whatever means meets there' ends .

  7. I use to hate the kids at school because all they did was smoke weed and i was brought up to hate drugs (dad was an addict) but one day i ate some edible gummy bears and my world changed literally and figuratively lol. but now an a person who smokes everyday, i am more open minded, I am less anxious and can interact socially than before. THC is a wonder "drug" and I hope to one day see it legal on the federal level.

  8. I live in new england where recreational cannabis is now legal, you just have to be 21, and you can legally buy up to 2.5 ounces, I absolutely love it, ive smoked cannabis for 18 years & counting 😎✌

  9. I highly recommend becoming a MJ patient. Fuck street weed. It's not worth it, unless you really know where it comes from and most people have no idea. Withdrawal symptoms are worse on street weed and the high is much cleaner with regulated weed.

  10. I remember the Regan yrs, remember the drought, that ditch weed up in Kentucky, I sold it, hey you couldn't get stoned but the worms were smokable, ha-ha! now that the country is on board with legal issue all they done is find a way to get high, the whole deal was use it as a resource, cloths, paper, rope again, sht like that, I prefer swag to smoke, anything against the Mexicans, that's the USA way, because they would be the ones to take the market, that's what I'm starten to see,- peace

  11. It does everything you want it to do, if you need a pick me up it’ll pick you up, if you need to go to sleep it’ll put you to sleep, can’t eat or nauseous or sick or whatever you need man, weed.

  12. right on the state line in Middle Tennessee is a farm where it's still grows today not sure if it's still there it takes a lot of walking and Hiking to get to it but the cows eat the plants and spread them around in their manure but I'd say by now someone's done discovered it because people used to get trunk loads of it back in the seventies and eighties and they would sell it for $100 a pound same thing we're seeing and all these shops and stores today I saw my first CBD or hemp when I was 5 years old and also the real marijuana I couldn't tell the difference until I rolled them up but still between Kentucky and Tennessee there is a loop where it is always grown it goes back in my family generation to the 1800s cuz my family was Moonshiners

  13. It's all about control bro. The Big cartel, the ATF, FDA,big pharma and the DEA do not like competition they need you taking their drugs using their supplements so that you can stay f**** sick and line their pockets with money

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