1. I used to be just like Esther. I went on a beautiful holiday and whinged and complained the whole time that the guy I was seeing at the time dumped me 🤣🤣🤦🏽‍♀️ Was a good lesson to learn about how no one wants be around an energy vampire. Esther has some growing up to do!

  2. If Bobby did the same to a female on a podcast and passed it off like a joke; he’d be in a lawsuit. Gender equality at its’ finest lolol

    Ol’ double standard dichotomous looking white guilty having Hew

  3. Hi hi I love u guys!! I was just wondering if y’all would consider carrying larger sizes for your banana windbreakers? I’m a relatively small woman and I got a size large and it’s small/uncomfy on me. My girlfriend is Esther size (how did this happen agAIN in nature?? I DUNNO) and it fits her perfect. I’m just wondering what actually larger women are going to wear in yeh store?? Xx I love u guys to the moon n back —this isn’t hate my ladyjanes!!

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