1. like like but like I get it I like like it with that said like when i like a good like so like soo like and like who like fuc like. How like is like a like. I am a like a hike. Take a hike like. No really, like I like it, they are not serouis like. Like I get it like. Invest in my like….LIKE.

  2. Dude why the hell does he keep saying “when I was on the teams”. This guy neverrrr completed BUDS/ Seal training and was neverrrrr a SEAL, be sure he got peered out, which means people hated him so much they didn’t want him to be apart of the community lol. It’s basically the worst/ most embarrassing way to fail out of spec ops training lol It’s already been proven that he’s a liar and didn’t make his money in poker, but from an inheritance. Why is this guy still relevant?? Whyyyyyy?????????

  3. dan needs to get that sleep apnea under control. shit leads to right heart failure and hepatosplenomegaly. also, SPO2 90% 80% 70% correlates to a PaO2 of 60 50 40 respectively.. normal pao2 is 80-100 so at 90% you're sitting at a pao2 of 60.. the stuff dan mentions at 09:15 is very interesting. his interoceptive awareness is fascinating. there's some stanford professor (forget his name) focusing on this phenomenon, which dan unknowingly alludes. It has to do with dopamine depletion.

  4. I'm not even paying attention to this. I'm just laughing at how a channel called "More Plates More Dates" doesn't have a single woman commenting on any of its videos, which leads me to believe there are virtually none watching it either. So is this a channel for gay men then?

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