1 Small Marijuana Stock That Could Catch Fire If You’re Patient

In this clip from Motley Fool Live, recorded on Dec. 9, Motley Fool contributors Matt Frankel and Jason Hall discuss why one marijuana company has the opportunity to explode in growth and how its on the brick-and-mortar course to do so.

Matt Frankel: This is a company called Planet 13 Holdings (OTC:PLNH.F). They trade over-the-counter but they are a legitimate business unlike a lot of the marijuana companies that you’ll see. If you click on a random internet article that says three marijuana stocks, chances are they’re not the best businesses. But this one actually is. They are a physical place. They operate distribution, a big dispensary, they operate some smaller neighborhood stores. They have their own brands, they grow and cultivate their own products, and they have their own brands that they sell through third-party distributors. This is a big company, or not a big company, but these are big dispensaries. I don’t know if either of you have been to their facility in Las Vegas. It’s roughly the size of the average Walmart (NYSE:WMT). It’s a big dispensary and people are generally shocked when they walk in there and [see] just the scale of this place and how busy it is. There’s always a wait to be taken care of in there. Just a little bit of information about the company. They currently have three open retail locations. They have a big dispensary in Las Vegas right off the strip, which I’ll talk about it a minute. They have a neighborhood distribution center and they just opened their second mega superstore in the San Diego area. They’re planning on getting much bigger. This is a very small company at this point. Let me share my screen real quick. I brought visual aids because Jason likes it when I do that.

Jason Hall: I do. Helps me understand.

Frankel: Here’s a little bit of information. This is where they’re at right now. They have their two retail locations in Nevada like I was talking about, their one in California. If you look on the right side of your screen, that Florida opportunity is enormous. An unlimited retail license. They have a license to open as many locations in the Florida market as they want to. As legalization continues in the state, that’s a big opportunity there. This is the entertainment complex I was talking about in Las Vegas. Over $70 million in revenue last year and that was in 2020 when it was closed for half the year. This is a big place with a big market share. The cannabis industry, where it’s legal, is generally very fragmented. They’ve almost a 10% market share of Nevada, which is one of the biggest consumption markets in the nation. Really big company. These are just some pictures from the inside of it. There’s a restaurant in there. There’s a production facility in addition to where you actually buy the product. This is the location of it right off the strip. Closest dispensary to the strip. You can actually walk there from a lot of the hotels on the strip. Really impressive company. There’s a lot of growth potential here, especially when it comes to A) their neighborhood markets. They’re experimenting with a smaller scale format. There’s one of them that’s open right now [somewhat] smaller scale that they can translate all over the country. Their superstores have a lot of potential as well. Check out this quote. Right under that eight plus superstores, that’s their five-year goal. If the city is affluent enough to support a major sports team, Planet 13 is interested in opening a premium cannabis store. Remember the Las Vegas one does over $70 million in revenue in a bad year. That was when the COVID pandemic was closing everything. If they can build a network all over the country, imagine how much revenue they could do even if they can just maintain that 9% market share that they have right now. This is a company with a lot of opportunity. The market cap is roughly $700 million right now. So it’s a micro cap at the moment. It is still about 55% off of its all-time high. That’s where it is right now. You can see the little rebound it had recently but it is still very cheap.

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