rabbit seizures treatment plan new vet part 2 conversation with vet & assessment

vets#rabbits #seizures #braindamage #tests #MRI #antiseizure #bunny#bunnyillness firstly thank you to all of you loving and …


  1. SO much interesting information, she really seems to know what she is talking about, although I understood only half 😆. Every "normal" vet would tell you to put him to sleep. Hope Binky doesnt need to be drugged too much though 😢

  2. Binky is such a sweetheart, I'll be keeping him in my prayers🙏🏻 The vet sounds like she knows what she's doing, thank goodness, hopefully she will be able to help him. Give Binky a big kiss from me! 🐰😘💕

  3. Awesome that you are getting more info…and the cost is very reasonable…even considering exchange rate l pay 4 times as much for Boys bloods…the vet lady seems on the ball..bestest of luck Binky 💙🐰💙

  4. It’s good you’ve been able to share information with a vet who finally confirmed that yes, Binky definitely has seizures, so that you can now go forward from that point 👍Thank goodness you learned ways of helping Binky on your own, but glad you found a vet to be part of your Binky care team. Binky’s such a unique wonderful little bunnyboo 😊 thanks for sharing him and for all the beautiful videos ❤️

  5. Oh, poor Binky and poor you, Steph! I know its heartbreaking to watch a beloved pet suffer. However…at least now you know what you're dealing with. Willie and I pray this veterinarian can get Binky's seizures and any other issues under control with a minimum of medication. We want Binky to always be the same bunny we have all fallen in love with 🙏❤🐇❤Thank you for the update. We are all with you every step of the way! Much love! ❤❤🙀👧❤🙏🐇❤

  6. Awww Binky. Praying for the best for you sweetheart. May this doctor give you and Binky the best care and attention you can get. Thanks for sharing Steph. 💯❤💯

  7. Your doing the right thing seeking medical help for Binky. As we both know uncontrolled seizures can cause more problems and the risk of injury. I hope Binky can be helped by meds and still be the same Binkster we all know and love. He needs a neurologist for bunnies to arrange his scan and interpret the scan results I will keep wishing that nothing really bad shows up in the MRI. I love you little Binky even though I'm allergic to rabbits I can watch him on youtube and my body remembers I need to breath. Cleo still can not work out what Binky is but still watches refuses to believe Binky is a rabbit. Right now she is watching over me, looks like I'm in for a bad night then. Does Binky get any little warning signs that he is going to have a seizure or is it like mine with no warning at all? With me Oska just sits staring at me at arms length so I can not touch her whilst Cleo stays right next to me or laid on my chest to make me stay laid down and close enough to help when needed. Last night I have claw marks in my shoulder from the cats bringing me round after the seizure, it works by pain shocking me and its a different pain from the dystonia. I would like to see Binky improve and for you to know what exactly is causing Binky's seizure to give me hope that one days my seizures can be controlled. Take care. Love, purrs, cuddles and kisses for the furry ones

  8. Very good hun im glad you are getting it sorted out
    Im not positive but CBD lowers blood sugar levels i believe thats why i can give you the munchies
    Does the cbd help him to have appetite?

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