The Potential Benefits of Medical Marijuana | Dr. Alan Shackelford | TEDxCincinnati

Medical marijuana isn’t devil weed or the cure for everything. Find out what it really is, and what it can really do. Dr.Alan …


  1. The Cannabis plant needs to be decriminalized. And the people who make these illegal laws that cause more harm to families rather than good need to be removed and punished. The dea is the real criminals, their actions have destroyed families, through their abuse.

  2. I was close to ending my life before I found this. I can now spend all day feeling my whole body instead of just the pain. I can feel myself, my whole body. I am less anxious and I can sleep. This gave me life.

  3. i have dignosed shizophrenia and pretty sure some undiagnosed conditions. i rather treat it with cannabis and having 2 bad weeks in a year then taking tons of neuroleptics doing poorly helping me and let me suffer from side effects every day. too this day i fight since at least 3 years to get medical cannabis and im denied of it, so i have to face punishment for commiting a crime if i get cought treatening my illness.

  4. I use it to control my thyroid, graves and my heart. It relieves stress and anxiety but it’s still illegal and medically it’s not even recognized as treatment when my doctors have all agreed the only reason why I’m still alive today is because I used illegally and still do. This is not a mistake or an oversight, our lives simply do not matter to corrupted politicians who understand the benefits marijuana offers. It’s just Pathetic…

  5. I run a Facebook page with same name normalizing medical marijuana and motherhood. I have had debilitating migraines as a long as I can remember. I was lucky in some ways and not so much in others….I self medicated for 20 years fighting my doctors in the 90s in a still non legal state. I moved to a legal state to save my life and never looked back…. Marijuana makes me feel normal and I think thats what people don't get…. Im chemically imbalanced in one way or another and out of more than a dozen different meds marijuana is what works for me….why should I be criminalized for it ???? Keep fighting until the day I die.

  6. I have nail patella syndrome in pain all the time and we don't gain weight very well but when I was in Arizona I tried medical marijuana I went from a hundred-pound 728 but then I moved to Texas and that ended and I'm back down to about 95 now to get a doctor to okay medical marijuana for the pain and weight gain is impossible for me I wish I could find somebody to get down to tell offender I'm put on the medical marijuana list

  7. I was waiting for the tape to fall off his face that had the mic stuck to it to keep it in place. Imagine how he tried hard not to use that side of his face for expressions lol.

  8. How much was this guy paid to endorse MJ?? Who paid him?? Don't believe EVERYTHING you hear, sometimes you need skepticism and a little more info. There are also adversities to medical marijuana. Someone said he didn't speak of "Indian Research"…. wasn't Israel good enough? Or did you want to see Pocahontas?

  9. Ironic how marijuana is classified as a wonder all prevention / help/ cure for majority of life altering diseases. Helps the most severe cases of Parkinson’s, relives pain with cancer patients, prevents countless forms of cancer and helps immensely with mental disorders. Everywhere else has it as recreational yet the US Doesn’t? Ever wondered why the countries with free healthcare also has recreational marijuana? Kinda fishy when you think about it. I fully think the US won’t have it fully recreational until we also have free healthcare.

  10. Why can't doctors prescribe this without making patients try all the chemicals for years, which don't work anyway…I've been going to the so called best neurologists in the country for my daughter and in the last 30 + years, they have never talked about cbd oil…and when I finally heard about cbd oil and asked the neurologist, she refused to prescribe it….at the end, the doctors want their commissions and don't care about making their patients alright…they like having the same patient for years, for whom they can prescribe the most expensive meds…not simple cbd oil which could potentially cure the patient.

  11. i would have killed myself by now being raised by my physically abusive narcisstic father. Marijuana made me handle the pain and keep smiling. Once I moved out, I stopped Marijuana immediately. Later I found I dont need it regularly or want it regularly but I really find it beneficial for my mental health.

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