The Dangerous Rise of Contaminated Weed | High Society

Banks (not his real name) earns tens of thousands of euros every month distributing weed to dealers in a small town in central …


  1. English subtitles are inaccurate. He says i was dealing drugs all through my youth. English subtitle: I wasted my youth dealing drugs. Be ethical journalists for fucks sake. Also a little context would have been nice. For example how there have been more than 100 deaths in europe in the last four years. And it's been a problem in Murrica for almost ten years now. And next time maybe send a reporter with a little bit more criminal energy. Really in the open is the least obvious? My god.

  2. JB has allowed 1oos of thousands to pour into the states , illegally from over 1oo countries testing or vetting for them , says border patrol & the rise of fentanyl getting through our borders , along with many other dangerous substances is outrageous ..Stop voting Democrat..they don't care about us …millions of our tax dollars are paying for that mess down there …your money citizens !

  3. Sad you can't even smoke now as days as these fucks have to poison it. No wonder people want to escape this society and reality. Making plants illegal The feeling of such superiority, by these oligarchs who feel they have a right to your own body and mind. Such hypocrisy as they claim a baby inside a mother is her body and had she has the right to kill it , yet if she takes a substance they deem they do not like she no longer has this same right and can be imprisoned for years

  4. Thx for that insight, after smoking for 30 years everything and everyshit, i stop cold turkey after watching thIS. Simple as that, my weed did taste funny and made me strange i realized something was not right, 3 suppliers later, still the same.
    I need a brain that can take me the next part of my journey. Thank you for that, from my lungs, brain, lifestyle Will i miss it ? well the decision is taken now, 4 months later, never felt so fresh and my skin is younger and healthier too. I don t have an appointment with whatever every 2 hours anymore. I stopped Alcohol and coffe too. It s a Decision, after that everything is easy

  5. The police must be asleep in Germany,too many strudel,s,not paid enough to work,or paid by the crims to turn a blind eye to the multi billion dollar industry,but don't worry Germany they'll legalise it soon everywhere once govt & big business has sorted out their grow farms,few laws to sign in & it'll be sold down at the chemist.

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