1. although the study shows CBDs beneficial effects to parkinson symptoms, I think that they will instead develop inverse agonists with higher potencys, which will work better than CBD (stronger binding, longer lasting). This is because many patients would consider the psychoactive effects of THC to be detrimental (they for some reason dont wanna get high). Also, if THC has no effect on treatment, why not just legalise CBD (as many countries have already done).

  2. Willing volunteer here. Conventional medications work on some symptoms and not others. I realise PD symptoms present differently in different patients. Gabapentin has helped with a little with my pain and tremors are rare but I seem to freeze a lot and have slow movements. Any fine motor control is almost impossible. Can we please decriminalise cannabis for medical research as they have done in some enlightened places.

  3. Bit of pregablin is good for pd and and bit of nitrazepam for sleep with a gram a day would makes there lives more easier bless em I wouldn't like to be in there's shoes tbh

  4. Paid through my neck for CBD oil with no results. Planted and cultivated my own Skunk and brewed tee from it. Got the right results. Even helped for restless legs. Use control. Will help.

  5. I don't know if this is going to come off as positive or negative, but why does this seem like a highschool/college PowerPoint presentation on the subject?

  6. I felt so horrible knowing that I have herpes virus 1&2, major thanks to Dr Madida on YouTube for coming to my rescue of curing the virus completely from my system▪︎ ▪︎

  7. 3. Early symptoms in Parkinson’s disease include rigidity, shaking, slow movement and gait disturbances which can be holistically managed with some diet changes and natural supplements from planet ayurveda.

  8. I don't really know why I was being infected  with Idiopathic  pulmonary fibrosis, my Dad died of this illness and it really affects me emotionally  because my Dad never had the opportunity  to use Dr Madida herbal treatment from YouTube. It was Dr madida herbs that I used that cured me .

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