Sleep Hypnosis for Pain Management with Relaxing Binaural Music (FREE MP3 Download)

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  1. Thank you Michael Sealey šŸ˜Š This helped me get through the first few uncomfortable nights after having spine surgery. It's been a couple weeks since then and I still listen. I fall asleep before the video ends every time and I stay asleep for a whilešŸ˜“šŸ˜Œ

  2. Hey Michael, love your videos so much, I was just wondering if you have much trauma based work? I'm trying to find something to put on early in the morning so when I wake up properly I don't go into instant panic and pain but no luck for /:

  3. I pulled something in my back recently and this video has been so helpful I haven't stayed awake until the end but I wake up having slept better and with less pain. Thanks so much! ^^

  4. This is the most amazing hypnosis session I've ever experienced. I have chronic pain & struggle to sleep. This sent me off to sleep immediately. It's fabulous.

  5. This has been a life saver for me. I have been in pain for many years and sick of having to take pain killing drugs and little results. I'm also trying out your other stuff and my depression and anxiety are not as bad. You have been sent to me by God thanks so much for your kind words and caring manner

  6. My partner and I are recovering opiate addicts. Heā€™s going on 40 years of addiction, 20 of that to a supervised script of methadone.
    Last week he is on 1ml of methadone.
    He has been off his script for 4 days.
    Heā€™s suffered 13 weeks on a reduction with the restless legs, constant pacing around. No appetite and no sleep.
    Constant pain!

    Listening to you helped him. Even briefly but it helped.
    And it massively helps me too.
    Iā€™ve been listening to for several years. For my depression, sleep and now pain.

    Thank you. Really I mean it.

  7. Michael, you just healed my raging headache. To say thank you is not enough, but that is all I've got… so, thank you from the bottom of my heart. ā™”

  8. You're an angel..
    A year back I was in great pain and only wanted to sleep a little until I've found your video ..
    I still get back to it wherever I remember this

  9. This is one of my favorite sleep sounds. I swear the guy who did the starting meditation at my worship center last week was Michael. It was an amazing experience meditating & remembering you calming voice in my waking life!

  10. I swear I started to feel a bit better as soon as he started talking. My muscles are swollen and my skin is bright red and very hot and extremely sensitive to the touch so I'm sitting in a cold bath and listening to this šŸ˜…
    Edit* the bath water was shallow enough with the shape of the bath that my face couldn't go under the water haha

  11. Dear Mr.Sealey, this was truly amazing !! For the first time in years I felt completely pain free by the time I got to the end of the program. I plan on repeating listening to this every day for at least a month. Thank you, thank you, thank you ! I was crying tears of joy and hope that now my future is not predetermined to be a grim outcome. While in my pool , I imagined all the things I will begin to do once more; mostly my writing and various multimedia arts paintings and maybe even try my hand at sculpting again. !! Again thank you; I plan on showing this to the pain doctor I see . She has no training in hypnosis and couldnā€™t even refer me to a clinical hypnotherapist. There arenā€™t any clinical hypnotherapists in this area that I can find and I live in a major southern metro area; at least none with licensure or Ph.D. or Ericksonian background. The sad thing is some of the LPC people who advertise as hypnotherapists have never heard of Erickson.

  12. Lol I donā€™t know if a miracle happened or this video is some kind of magic sorcery… but my sciatic pain is gone! Iā€™ve listened to this to fall asleep to for 2 nights šŸ˜‚ I was ready to get a damn wheelchair

  13. Thsnkyou so much for your hypnosis sessions. I would love a pain relief session that was for morning or day time use as I don't always want to go to sleep during a session. Is there something for this?

  14. Thank you. I feel so much better. Chronic pain subsides. I am going to try to keep going back to that cool water surrounding my chair when needed and see if I actually can snap back in.

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