Sydney CBD

Walking through Sydney’s CBD (Central business district)/downtown from Central Station, including World Square, George St, Pitt …


  1. Let's be honest here, u go to bankstown ull see a lot of arabs, Auburn alots of Turks, leichardt Italians, earlwood greeks, city asians. First time I saw sydney was back in 2001 .. if u search youtube for sydney 2002 ull see a video of Sydney in 2002 not many high rise buildings, life was much simpler.. people equally distributed in different areas. I lived in campsie and it was a mixture of lebanese and Italians now asians. I love Sydney I love australia but good old days are long gone everything new sucks not only in australia but anywhere in the world .. houses are smaller, working hours are longer, inflation everywhere. More people more cars more pollution more wars more greed more racism. Sometimes I wish someone would hit the restart button !

  2. Im seeing all the comments about the so called asian invasion. My perspective on it is, is that the world changed a lot recently and a lot of people move to different countries these days. I have no problem with the immigrants coming into the country, they bring more competition which makes our industries grow a lot faster and they bring a lot of money into the country. Whats y'alls opinion?

  3. Looks like such a great city. I would love to visit someday. I am looking to get out of the United Slaves and Shit of Shitmerica. So tired of this fucking country. Australia would be a breath of fresh air. You guys don't know how good you have it. The USA is a third world shit hole. Don't believe what you see on TV.

  4. Eh Sydney cbd is just trash. There's nothing to do or see besides generic shops and left for dead construction. Have been here all my life and it has not improved at all. It's going backwards

  5. Sydney is not European anymore, first I was looking on google earth and I thought did I mistakenly go to Hong Kong, then I thought I must be in China town then I thought China town is big in Sydney, I thought Australia was not affected by immigration that much the world is lost.

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