Biden Loses It

President Biden lost it yesterday on another Fox News reporter. When Peter Doocy asked the President about inflation and its …


  1. Hey, we're willing to jet illegal immigrants to other parts of the country in the middle of the night, why shouldn't we be worried about the Russia-Ukrainian incursion? Just askin?

  2. He really thinks he's somebody doesn't he, guys a joke, They should all start getting up and walking out of the room when he starts yelling and calling people names well calling him a complete fk up. because that's all he is.

  3. Our border has become so politicized, you're a "racist" if you want to secure it. Guatemala is now taking in refugees. Venezuelans feel safer in a police state than in their own country. Clearly, there is a problem. Vetting, testing and vaxing refugees, and taking them in in a controlled manner has humanitarian merits. Even Council of Bishops and Interchurch council want to help. It's not just leftist radicals. But letting fentanyl cross our border wholesale isn't helping anyone.

  4. I have a question: What has to be done to impeach the president AND vice president? We definitely don't want either one in office! If we have to wait until the next election, our country will suffer!!

  5. Replace Bibles God with A Man and then all the sins will be glorified I'll go under oath or record. Terror doesn't scare me that's what Enemies bring to the Table.

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