Hemp Insulation: Pros, Cons, and Cost

Hemp insulation is a natural, plant-based insulation material made from hemp fibers. The truth is hemp insulation is a natural and …


  1. So it contains textile polyester fiber as a binder, but you can compost it? You mean the hemp could've been composted, if it wasn't for the plastic binder.
    Now this material is better than foam insulation, and safer than glass, but far from natural.

  2. Thank you for this. The only thing I never hear people talk about as a con specifically,?is the fact that the Hemp wool always seems to contain some percentage of plastic in it. 😕 This is a huge drawback to me, because it takes away from the compostability of the product, the sustainability of it in the long run, cradle to cradle like. We don’t need more micro plastics in the world! I really want to use hemp wool in my build, but that part is very disappointing to me. I wish there was something they would find to use as an alternative.

    And also yes, the fire proof shocker! 🔥😳🔥 Wow. That’s disappointing. That it isn’t as fire proof as they claim.
    I wonder if sprinkling it all over in both sides with boric acid / borax mixture would could help that?

  3. I have in many many years, liked wood fibre insulation as the best available insulation material. But I must say that hemp wool insulation is very very interesting as well, as it has many of not all of the benefits of wood fibre insulation, but the turn around time (from seed to finished product), is much faster than it is for trees. So in princip you can grow a hempwool field several times a year – if the climate etc. is suitable for it. Very interesting and very nice video. 🙂

  4. Hopefully by the time you would need to replace it this product would be much more widely available by then. Everything seems to point to using this for my camper. Thank you!

  5. Considering how tight and smooth Hempwool Insulation can be… If it's done right is there any real need to 'finish' the interior wall with Drywall or similar?

    I kind of like the rustic look you showed off here

  6. Thanks a lot for your video. I’m living in the north of Russia, average winter temperatures is above 25-27 C°. I’ve insulated my house with hemp and linen(flax) insulation (there is no big difference between). Everything is cool. The most significant advantage of hemp or linen insulation – no need to install plastic vapour barrier, you should only install paper vapour (or steam) limiter. microclimate became much bettter. Good luck!

  7. Please, can someone help? Do i need to install a vapor barrier when using hemp insulation??? I have looked online, but cant seem to get a straight answer. Its for a brick house in northern europe, FYI. Any advice is welcome! Thank you

  8. You lost me when you mentioned polyester. How to ruin a good thing. It’s a step in right direction but we need to completely eliminate these materials from our environment.

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