Pain Relief and Body Healing Guided Meditation | Mindful Movement

Pain is not typically a desirable sensation, especially when it becomes chronic. The resistance and upset can make the …


  1. Learn more about using a consistent Meditation practice for healing with our FREE 7 Day Foundations of Mindfulness and Meditation Course. For the true beginners AND those experienced practitioners open to a beginnerโ€™s mind.

    This course is all about practices for the busy, modern life where you will learn to reduce suffering and manage stress so that you can enjoy ease within yourself, at work, and in relationships.

    Check it out!

  2. How did I miss this????
    Thanks for uploading it as the pain I have in my back, ribs and sternum at times is so horrible that I want to cryโ€ฆ I broke nine bones and theyโ€™re all in different states of repair. Iโ€™m tackling it with everything I can, so now Iโ€™m going to try from withinโ€ฆ๐Ÿ™โค๏ธ

  3. Dear Sarah, Thank you for your incredible meditations. I refer to them all the time and use the sleep meditations daily. They are so very helpful. I'm wondering if you are able to make a meditation for grief. I have lost two sisters in 8 months and am struggling my way through the grieving process. Thank you again for your help and support.

  4. anyone else having difficulty focusing during meditation these days? i find i can relax my body but not mind. oddly still feeling tension in the top half of my face..i always meditate lying down, so it isnt positioning…any ideas/ suggestions welcome!

  5. I really appreciate your meditations. It would be so helpful if the music extended after you finish speaking as there isnโ€™t enough time to slowly come back and unplug before the unpleasant intrusion of an advertisement.

  6. Thank you very much for this meditation. For bringing into the meditation in a powerful, understandable way what it's all about in mindfulness. With a selection of essential oils in my diffuser, magic.

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