Dr. Michael Greger | Vegan Infants, CBD, SIBO, Nut Controversy, too much Fiber? etc.

1:00 I’m sure you heard about CBD oil. It’s currently really popular and claims to have incredible health benefits. Could you share …


  1. Some anacdotal evidence regarding the subject of children and a vegan diet, I started eating a vegan diet at age 11 and stopped growing at around 6' my siblings who started on a vegan diet at a younger age are both roughly 3" taller than I am and are slightly more trim with better muscle tone. The hight difference certainly could be the result of normal genetic variation, and the body composition difference is almost certainly due to my more recent tendency to overdo the junk food but a vegan diet definitely didn't stunt development or show any negative effects.

  2. "I'm a heavy muscular guy…" Wtf. You look like you don't even lift with that skinny fragile frame of yours. Keep your delusions in check, you not even close to heavy muscular, let alone give people advice about diet or training.

  3. I have been a whole foods vegan for four years and i still suffer from near constant gas and bloating. was hoping this video could help me 🙁 had to give a thumbs down

  4. Excellent interview! I love your interviews with Dr. Greger and find them a lot more informative than his Live Q&A's because you pick such great questions!! And you're both very engaging to watch. Yours are actually my favorite Dr. Greger interviews. Love that you keep them coming! Oh and I had to edit this in, your skin looks amazing! You're a great example of a WFPB vegan diet and what it does even for our physical appearance.

  5. Just a small reminder: Not all buddhist think like this (concerning onions and garlic). There are so many different buddhist lineages and many are appreciating garlic and onions. Most buddhist eat onions and garlic, like in tibetan buddhism.

  6. What a joke. He doesn't even no anything about Sibo but still critizise ex-vegans for quitting the diet because of that. Truly a legend of vegan cherrypicking.

  7. I have an question about soy for babies. Maybe someone who reads this knows that. I wanna know at which age a baby can eat soy products? I heard that babies shouldn't eat soy milk, etc. ??

  8. 23:26 So he's suggesting 2 million years of evolution didn't change anything to our physiology and that we should eat leaves and fruits all day long like chimps and gorillas? Why then do we have a digestive tract that is closer to one of a carnivore, about 5-6x our body length, a short colon, no caecum and a stomach pH of 1.5 which is really really acidic, like most carnivores. Our digestive tract is very different from the one of our closest relatives.
    Only taking into account the first 90% of our evolution and ignoring the last 10% were we evolved a lot, is very dishonest and misleading.

  9. That was a very good selection of questions. I hate it when people get Dr. Greger's valuable internet time and ask him "How did you get into WFPB research?" or "What do you eat in a day?" Just because he discusses those topics in every presentation already up on the internet. Vegains and his viewers come up with really good questions.

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