Charlotte's Web and Zaki's Journey

The incredible stories of two pediatric cannabis patients which will revolutionize the way that the world views the cannabis plant.


  1. The Ketogenic diet was found helpful in children with seizeres that were unresponsive to traditional treatments with medication . I bet in combination of Charlotte's web cdb and a Ketogenic duet would cure all pediatric epilepsy.

  2. Legally prohibiting this potentially life-saving flowering-vegetable is itself the crime. It should be a crime to make people suffer and even die for no other reason but monopolistic greed. Society hasn't recognized it yet, but in the next generation, the prosecution of people for cannabis is going to be viewed as a crime.

    When the 20 year olds today are 40, this nonsense like the kind Zaki's mother had to go through, that's going to be over and done with. 50 out of 50 states are going to take the hint, eventually. Don't be the slowest state to adopt this psychotropic food as medicine because you're still scared of the 1930s-2000s propaganda. Don't be the last state, to go down in history looking like the slowest tortoise. Cannabis is special enough that it's going to break out of its chains utterly and eventually. Gonna have to grovel with that. Embrace it, regulate it and tax it, you must.

  3. I love this so glad to see so many people being helped by CBD.i truly believe its God's medicine.People need to stop looking at CBD the way they do THC.its not the same…for instance ,my brother & I both came from our mother but we are not the same.related but different. Sry if that's not a good example….Thx Stanley family & Charlotte's web for all u do.I would love to work with u all someway.πŸ˜€

  4. WOW! I am truly Gobsmacked here. I mean, you MUST be sooo releived and un-beleivably happy at where you are right now with your lovely little girl. I soooo wish you both well in the future. Tgc now x

  5. Our government officials who are perpetrating this are the ones who deserve to be in PRISON!….I am so proud of this mother <3…thank you for coming forward! Love

  6. These stories are truly amazing. To think that something as simple as canabis oil can cure so many different things is amazing. My sister has suffered from Epiletic seizures from the age of 10 months. She had a rollercoaster life with man many visits to hospital and many different drugs tried which some of made her have other types of fits. she had from petit mal, to drop attacks, constant fitting, focal fitting, myoclonic fits to Grand mal and once even was told she was in stsus epilepticus. from One of the drugs given she even had stroke like symptoms. When we stopped experimenting with all these drugs and turned to natural therapies she improved dramatically, Now she is left with grand mal seizures. sometimes having 3 per night to then going 2 weeks without. Her seizures are now only when she sleeps. she is now 33 years old. If only we had known of this oil so long ago she would have had a normal life. Now we are still looking for something to help. Medical Marijauana is not legal here in Australia. We would love to try it on my sister if we could get our hands on it. We admore all the parents that dont give up on teir children. We understand what they were going through to some extent. We wish the Government would just see this as it is and legalise this CBD as is would help millions of people out there. I believe it is criminal to take this away from people using it when it is clearly helping them. God bless everyone.

  7. CBD is great. However for some people CBD alone is not good enough. High CBD/low THC strains are AMAZING for my autism. However I tried a strain called ACDC that is very low in THC (0.9%) and high in CBD (16.2%) and bad things happened. It triggered my trourettes. I had some fairly bad motor tics along with some vocal tics. For me vocal tics aren't that common. I ended up using a high THC (20.8 %) strain to deal with the tics. The tics stopped the moment I inhaled. So yea CBD is fantastic. But for some people a little THC is needed for the greatest medicinal value.

  8. I'm getting to the point of desperation on my side. I recently started having seizures again after being seizure-free for NEARLY 4 years. I cannot go back to the life I had before. I am in South Africa and I need someone's help.

  9. Genesis 1:29-31 (In the Bible) And Elohim ("God") said, "Behold, I have given to you Every Herb seeding seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree in which is the fruit of a tree seeding seed- it shall be food for you! And to every living thing of the earth, and to every bird of the heavens, and to every creeper on the earth, in which is a living soul, every green herb is for food!!! And it was so. And Elohim saw everything that He had made; and behold it was very good! And there was evening, and there was morning- the sixth day.Β 

  10. It is so upsetting to think that the majority of Christians are against this medicine, and would not support any of this. They would much rather have the poor child die than have marijuana be responsible for saving her life.Β 

  11. Don't you wonder how many people have died and how many families have been torn apart because of the US government's deliberate suppression of cannabis research? We could have found this ten or twenty years ago.

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