Making Full Spectrum CBD Distillate Oil With 10 Liter Short Path Distillation

Join me as I describe the function, process, and components of a 10 liter short path distillation system. Additionally, I discuss the …


  1. So may I ask – why is it that you evaporate at over 200c when the BP of CBD is around 150c?? at high temperatures my crude simply seems to over heat and burn/smoke 🙁

    Any help much appreciated.


  2. Firstly this is not a SHORT path… This is a (very) long path….. A real short path has a minimal distance to travel the vapours….. The vertical column here is only a (bad) vigreux column….
    By the way…. The trap is reversed… The down side in the inlet to the cow…. And the upside is the outlet to the vacuum pump…. So the gravity helps to slowing and better refrigeration of the undesidered vapours…

  3. Hi, Tyler. This is Steve Yin from China. We can build lab&industrial-scale SPD units for CBD oils. Equipment made of stainless steel which is completely sanitary for food grade. I think maybe you will need our equipment/units when you want to expand your business in future. Please let me know if you are interested.

  4. Have you tried to run a true short path? Meaning, minimizing the distance the molecules have to travel from the liquid stage to the condensing stage. Reducing the pressure needed to move the molecules up the column, and lowering the boiling point. I have always thought that was the reason to short path. What is the purpose of the fractional type column? Would it boil over without it, or is there an azeotrope? If not, I don't see much reason to use it. I wonder if setting up the short path, straight off the flask, and keeping everything horizontal (easier for vapor to move) would give better results, due to the lower temp needed to distill? I would also move the temp probe to the vapor stage, to PID the vapor temperature. From there, you can adjust the set temp for how aggressive the heater will be, as the larger the delta between current temp and set temp, the more aggressive the PID relationship. BTW, I know nothing of drugs or this makeup, I always chose the fuel path in chemistry:)

  5. Hello Tyler, I would like to thank you for taking the time to put this video together, I was wondering if you can give me a feedback about this set up, please see this link.

    I think the price is wrong, I think is actually cheaper, but please check it out whenever you have a chance and if you think t will do the "same" job as the one you have?

    Thank you very much, hope to hear form you.

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