Autism and ADHD and the use of Cbd oil and benefits | Spectrum life

Discussing the usage of Cbd oil and other products that have helped our son to stay focused. When and how much is applied.


  1. This is exciting and timely. IF Kellen can/could “benefit” from Any part of the entire Cannabis spectrum;
    And esp. IF the natural affect v/s some possible side affect from the synthetic, IF the former was legal in your State, I personally Would give My Child (whatever) . OK, Regarding dosage and the method, THE areas within the body more responsive to a Skin absorption, would be #1 under tongue, #2 In center of Armpit, #3 Within his Anus; highly absorption oriented areas, bottom of feet before he sleeps, combined with Foot massage, with You Dad seated, Not standing. The fact that you are Open to natural assists;
    Whole milk yoghurt with one to two tablespoons raw, refrigerated FLAX oil. Combine raisins.
    As for”Tree bark” taste. CBD can be placed in his warm mint tea with honey. #BIGLove to Kellen and Dad.

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