Michigan’s Cannabis Manufacturers Furious As State Reg Agency Authorizes Microbusiness License Expansion

The Michigan Cannabis Manufacturers Association (MCMA) is calling on state leaders to address the Michigan Marijuana Regulatory Agency’s proposed expansion of the state’s Class A Microbusiness License — something the MRA is not authorized to do under state statute. 

The MCMA, comprised of many of Michigan’s largest growers, processors and  cannabis licensees, says the state Legislature – not state agencies – is responsible for writing legislation. 

“The MRA is responsible for regulating Michigan’s regulated cannabis market,” said Shelly Edgerton, MCMA board chair. “It was not created to write laws, and this proposal attempts to do just that. That is the role of lawmakers in the Michigan Legislature. The MRA’s authority to create new license types under MRTMA is not unlimited, and this proposal demonstrates a massive overreach by the MRA in our burgeoning industry.”

The MRA’s proposed expansion of the Class A Microbusiness License in the Michigan Regulation and Taxation of Marihuana Act (MRTMA) exceeds the agency’s authority to broaden license types under state statute, according to the MCMA.  

The proposed expanded Class A Microbusiness License does not fit within the defined types or classes of state licenses, and the MRA has no authority to unilaterally create or broaden license types.

The MRA is taking a license, the “microbusiness” created by statute, and by rule attempting to remove important statutory limitations on that license type, Edgerton explained. 

She added that the issue is of particular concern to MCMA members, who have invested more than $1 billion in Michigan’s cannabis industry, hired thousands of employees, and laid the groundwork for a vibrant, regulated cannabis marketplace.

“We must maintain a system of checks on the MRA in our growing industry that has unlimited potential to create thousands of new businesses, jobs and positive economic impact across Michigan,” Edgerton said. “The proposed expansion of this license type also potentially negates the microbusiness license approved by voters for small-business, single-location operations.”

Photo created by JRod @Benzinga

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