What We've Tried For Alisandra's Seizures (And Mal's Birthday Party)

From CBD oil to Hyperbaric Oxygen everything we’ve tried to manage Alisandra’s seizures.


  1. Thanks for sharing your experience. I heard you tried aromatherapy and reflexology. How much are you open for other complementary therapies? I heard Emotional Freedom Technique can be quite useful. For brain problems red light therapy has some potential. There are also more unconventional- no science based therapies like Reiki, Reconnective Healing or Court of Atonement. I watched several videos about your daughter and I couldn't resist to write this comment. I send love and light to all your family and I amazingly admire you for having time and commitment for your videos. God bless!

  2. Hi Mrs. Crowley, I'm sorry 2 hear about your baby having seizures. It's just so heartbreaking. My older sisters and brothers has seizures and I hate to see them go through that. I'm the youngest to 7 older brothers and 11 older sisters. Only, 7 of them have seizures.
    BTW, your baby girl is so cute. Does she have a nickname and do you have a Facebook page? I'm also new to your channel. Mrs. Crowley, your a loving mom to your beautiful baby girl. She's just so cute and I wish I could hold her and hug her. How old is she? Your baby girl is very cute also adorable and very precious. I just love babies because they're so cute. I'm a mom myself to 4 dogs. It's so good that I bumped into your channel. You and your baby girl are in my prayers always. Let your baby know keep fighting against her seizures. She's a fighter and I know she is. How long have she been having seizures? When did she start having seizures? What medicine is she taking 4 her seizures? What are her seizure triggers? How many times she been hospitalized? Did she ever participate in the EMU? Wait, does she have Epilepsy? If so, what age she was diagnosed? How many times do she have her seizures? That's all the questions, I'm going to ask.

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