Legislators discuss Lincoln Hall, marijuana at Aberdeen cracker barrel

Legislators discussed a variety of topics, including a bill that will result in the demolition of Lincoln Hall at Northern State University during Saturday’s legislative cracker barrel at the Barnett Center on Northern’s campus. 

Senate Bill 44 was passed by both houses, meaning it is now only awaiting the governor’s signature. During the cracker barrel, District 3 Rep. Drew Dennert, R-Aberdeen, thanked Northern President Neal Schnoor for his work in helping to get the bill passed. 

“He really did an awesome job of coming out and telling our story — of telling Aberdeen’s story, of telling Northern’s story, why this is needed and why everyone should vote for it,” said Dennert.  

Dennert also commended District 2 Rep. Kaleb Weis, R-Aberdeen, and District 3 Rep. Carl Perry, R-Aberdeen, who both have seatmates that typically vote against such measures, said Dennert. Weis and Dennert added that District 3 Sen. Al Novstrup, R-Aberdeen, and District 2 Rep. Lana Greenfield, R-Doland, helped to talk to people who were on the fence about the project. 

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