Biden addresses Russia's invasion of Ukraine | Special Report

President Biden spoke at the White House announcing severe new sanctions on Russian entities in the wake of that country’s …


  1. It's okay we restricted Germany also back in the 1930s and 1940s and they listen just fine they completely stopped invading countries right. Give them a few nice firm warnings and they stopped right. Wrong and all it takes is a simple switch of mindset and it just gets worse sanctions and restrictions are not going to do anything haven't we learned this twice already


    to ban Russia from SWIFT, doesn't work. A ban on SWIFT is NOT sanction because Russia can work around SWIFT. To ban Russia on SWIFT is just a propaganda from the government of the West.

    In short, all these Western leaders took a LOT of money, and have made a LOT of money from Ukraine and Russia. Under the talbe, they all know each other very well. That's why Emmanuel Macron thought he could "talk" Putin out of his invasion. Chancellor of Germany deson't want to say a thing because of the same reason (imagine the lobbying between Russia and Germany for those pipe lines).

    Capitalism is the strength and the weakness of the West.

  3. It doesn't have to be a closure, but please don't invest in this country.
    It does not have to be a cessation of activities, but I am asking you not to invest in this country.

  4. It's your fault NATO for trying to recruit Ukraine in NATO you can't do that because of the international Law which you violated and now you are paying the price.

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