Here are the pros and cons of weed legalization

Melissa Moore, deputy director of New York State Policy Office, and Luke Niforatos, chief of staff and senior policy advisor at SAM, …


  1. So let me get this right, it's bad for a legal adult to choose to pay an American company who helps the community, provides a service and pays taxes, but it's good to buy Afghanistan helicopters by paying the state to make money off of weed? And Why is the covid vaccine ready after 3 years when medical marijuana still needs more research?

  2. hi Miss please invite me to your program I want to talk about the legalization of weed contract with who with rosalba Guzman Francisco Guzman Enrique Pena nieto Lopez obrador Miguel Castro Reynoso or Jeffrey Letterman in Manhattan New York or Brooklyn or all of them?

  3. Ya know dealers exist when it's illegal. Dealers sell to kids. Dealers buy from cartels. That funds violence. These people are dumb. Heck selling it isn't too bad of an idea you won't be killing anyone and you'll make tons of money! These people are the problem. Make something illegal and the value goes up. Supply and demand don't care about what's being sold. But wallets like money.

  4. The guys main point for not legalizing is that weed has too much thc nowadays and that it isn't regulated. That's literally just another reason to legalize. If it was sold in shops, then people can choose the concentration and they know that it is safe to smoke. There are no reasons for weed to be illegal, its rediculous that people are even having these discussions

  5. Genesis 1:29 "And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat." They don't want you to get high because of the most high

  6. You don't need to prove that weed is beneficial or therapeutic, because the only rwasoning you need is that other equally or more harmful substances are already legal. "Pregnant mothers" and DUI are the most popular excuses, but by that logic anything that hurts the foetus or impedes your driving skills should also be illegal.

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