1. Awesome turning more people into pot heads. And why? Because they want people to be dummer because dumb people are easier to control and our government wants to control everyone.

  2. I once seen a couple on Tapia Blvd that was strung out after they shot up and they were out cold, they were blocking a roadway so I called 911 to help them, and when I turned around after leaving and coming back the cops had arrived and had shot em up with some narcan and literally let them DRIVE away! So I’m sitting there thinking DAMN, these cops better bring me some munchies whenever they pull me over all stoner then everything should be fixed, I’ll be fine!

  3. I live off of Wyoming in Central and see junkies shooting up heroin on a daily basis. How about we grow up and go after them instead of people smoking a joint in public!

  4. Game on! As soon as Legislation passed it last year, it became legal. The state simply needed time to set up these new rules, and as you can see, they been slacking and not enough man power anyways. Plus, smoking in public currently is pretty much the norm already. Smoke em if you got em!

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