My honest review of CBD oil after 4 weeks, is it good for my golf?

This is my honest review of CBD oil after 4 weeks, is it good for my golf? Well I am 4 weeks into taking CBD oil and the results …


  1. I smoke cbd hemp flowers immediate and much more powerful effects. My handicap dropped from 10 to 6 last year which I'm still off. I think it helps reduce the stress of playing shit and helps reduce nerves when playing well. Definitely endorse the flowers which are sold as tea (because you're not allowed to smoke it but are allowed to make a brew – go figure!). Cbd flower shop in Bournemouth and Hemphash are my favourite UK vendor, the latter being the best value. Great for playing guitar too, helps to zone in a meditative fashion.

  2. Been looking at trying CBD. Suffer with knee and back issues. Just ordered this after watching your review!! Fingers crossed. Roll on Monday. 🏌️‍♂️ 🏌️‍♂️

  3. mmm very interesting …i suffer from severe PTSD from 33 Years of being a Corrections officer plus i LOVE golf….have wondered about CBD Oil if it would help me…i am gonna look into it and also make sure it doesn't effect some of my medications…..also have joint pain in my knees and lower back….CBD Oil sounds like it might just do the trick i am hoping……cheers from Canada

  4. Ali, PGA pro Andrew Murray has been a Brand Ambassador for Kannaway for some time now, they produce the purest CBD/CBG on the market, I am also a Brand Ambassador, drop me a line if you need any information on our products…

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