6 Natural Remedies for Dog Anxiety

If you have a dog that suffers from anxiety, you know how hard normal day to day activities can be. Anti-anxiety meds can have …


  1. That was short and sweet!! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ My little guy started struggling with thunderstorms out of the blue at age 10. It took 2 years to find something that worked: doggy CBD oil at the correct dose. Please get advice on the dose – the first time we tried CBD oil, the dose was evidently too weak because it didn't work, and I was scared of overdosing him. Two years later, after trying Rescue Remedy, countless homeopathic anxiety remedies, and even Xanax out of sheer desperation, I contacted the CBD oil company from 2 years prior and it turned out the dose was a bit low… I should have contacted them first but there was still that stigma ๐Ÿ™„ So grateful that it works 90% – enough for him to at least tolerate a storm and fall asleep instead of being in a complete state throughout the night and nobody getting any sleep, him included…

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