Calvin Johnson: I smoked weed every week in the NFL

Pro Football Hall of Fame wide receiver Calvin Johnson discusses the NFL’s evolving relationships with both cannabis and …


  1. So he cheated on his pee test his whole career. I am a lifelong lions fan since mid 1960's. No excuse for this. He cheated the system. Anyone that condones this should be ashamed of themselves. All he cares about is his weed business. Very disappointed in him. Should not be in the HOF IMHO

  2. no wonder why he lost focus on 3rd downs and goaline catches. Cost the Lions a few wins and a playoff birth with his lack of focus on some critical passes. Great player, loved watching him, but too often he would drop an easy pass when needed the most. So hearing him brag about being high all of the time just doesn't impress me much. You signed a contract and had a job to do. Smoke all the pot and burn your brain cells in retirement.

  3. There's interesting similarities in this and the NHL via former player Jeff Friesen promoting Marijuana and CBD use over Pain Killers, which led to multiple addictions and health problems among players across the league.

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