Parkinson's Disease tremor control with medicinal cannabis

This video demonstrates the effect that medicinal cannabis has upon my Parkinson’s Disease tremor. MPs in the UK are backing a …


  1. Bon, on nous a toujours dit que ces substances tel que le cannabis cause des troubles neurologiques, et là, essai thérapeutique pour des maladies incurables, tel Parkinsons, pourquoi ne pas essayer sur la maladie de la Tourette, tous ces troubles neurologiques ??. Avec accord de la personne concernée.

  2. I had that TD from taking Wellbutrin for so many years, another form of a Parkinson's drug. I was taking it for my depression and it was somewhat effective. Once it became a legal I started microdosing a cannabis extract daily, all the symptoms are gone as well as my depression! The only side effect was it eliminated my alcoholism as well!! The pharmaceutical companies aren't making any money off of me and they are pissed!

  3. Marijuana is not a drug. It’s a natural herb growing in the wild. It’s all this poisonous shit chemicals, fertilizers and ither stuff they put in it that labels it a drug. I think marijuana should be legalized around the globe. So many people using it for Parkinson’s, cancer pain, MS, and many many many other diseases.

  4. This man is awesome! I really hope he's doing well in 2021. Marijuana is miracle medicine. It's honestly almost a fix all with no negative side effects! N you can't over dose on it or have debilitating withdraws from.

  5. I too suffer from PD. I work a full time job trying to manage and conceal my symptoms. I cannot tolerate PD prescription drugs. My Human Resources manager maintains draconian antiquated view points about cannabis. I have to sneak and hide my extremely minimal cannabis use to circumvent random drug testing. What a shame. I just want the option to be able to try to live a better life.

  6. Hope you feel better now.
    In fact, No need research or stats, just come to Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Yemen and etc then count Parkinson patients. I haven't seen Parkinson patient till now by myself, just like Rona, I have heard that boy in law of my friend's of friend's friend had a paternal uncle who was suffering from Parkinson after a sever car accident.
    Avoid medical traders!
    They wanna see you die in suffer, haven't you realized yet?

  7. God bless you and your family brother. Thanks for your time sharing all your videos. Your in my prayers and thoughts. Thanks again for your time I hope you nothing but the best for you.

  8. Hi Ian. You may not remember me. the person who had also lived near Birkenhead and Harrow. I trust MJ is still effective for your PD. I came across a clip on YOUTUBE today and wonder if you know about it. It is put out by the Focused Ultrasound Foundation. The speaker is Tim Meakem Md. Length 50 min ,date Feb 22 2021. Please let me know what you think about it. Thanks, Jeremy.

  9. Dear Mr. Frizell, it's heart-breaking to see how devastating parkinson's can be. Thank you for your video. I admire your fortitude and willingness to show the positive effects cannabis has on your condition. Best regards

  10. I don't understand why it's still illegal in Uk and France for medical use. it's not recreational, it's the only thing that work on some diseases

  11. i wonder if marijuana would help with somebody who has parkinsons bad like a stage 5 or stage 4… my grandpa has bad parkinsons, hes in a wheel chair and he tries hard to walk sometimes he can and sometimes he cant. he hallucinates, doesnt recognize anyone at times, and i was wondering if just a regular joint of weed if he took a drag would help him when his parkinsons flare up

  12. You’re amazing mate! And thank you for posting! It cannot be easy to see yourself like this however it’s important that the world understands the benefits of completely natural substance ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I hope you’re well ❤️❤️

  13. This is absolutely amazing gratulations to this man I hope he continues to To benefit from the healing from the cannabis and after watching this I am definitely going to speak to my father because he suffers as well I actually forded him this video I've been talking with him recently about it but I want him to actually be able to see the proof Anyway congratulations to you

  14. It’s undeniable that marijuana is one of the most amazing natural medicine on earth. I mean stories of people having such bad seizures that medicine had no effect then they take cbd and have almost no seizures or zero.

  15. Well done sir! I take cannabis and it’s stops me having grand Mal seizures. I don’t “get high” but it’s in my system so I’m a criminal! It’s a disgrace. Tramadol for example, one of them and I’m fit for nothing.

  16. this doesn't make sense because the MJ will be almost worn off in 20 minutes. He then only has 10 minutes of relief. Not buying it.. placebo maybe. That said, I think ALL drugs should be legal.

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