1. I received a check this week from Kaiser Permanente for $255.10. It says "reimbursement of copayment for emergency services on 4/24/21". I did go to the ER that day after a dog bite.

  2. I have 50 trillion zim and 50 thousand dinar that I purchased on eBay awhile back, but don’t have a clue what I am supposed to do with it. The more I watch, the more confusing it is to me, but it may be because I am an old lady. Lol. Are these only for humanitarian projects and how do I go about exchanging what I have? Please help me become more clear on all this.

  3. Mark, take lotsa notes so you can train us. We have little info on how this is gonna work for all of us. Yeah,…we're all excited but don't know enough to cheer, yet. Blessings.

  4. Education matrix said the bolivar is going to go big I have a lot of that not many talk about that but she showed a article about it could go as high as six bucks a on the dollar wow how did I get here I never knew anything until I heard someone talking in 2014 and I ended up getting all the big ones how did that happen I know nothing about all this maybe my angels where looking out for me.

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