Marijuana Addiction Recovery: The 10 Pillars of Success (live Q&A)

If you are quitting smoking weed or are worried about marijuana withdrawal symptoms this video is for you! In this brief video Dr.


  1. I honestly feel to truly quit anything that's bad for you, it has to come to a point when you HATE IT! Cannabis, nicotine, porn, alcohol, etc. If you do go back to whatever you ran away from, you don't really HATE IT.

  2. Amazing video, brings up all the points that need to be realized when dealing with addiction. Your attention to detail and way of explaining things in an easy to understand way is so helpful. Your videos helped me realize it was time to let go of the tree and I hope you get the support and following you spread your message to even more people

  3. your forsure a huge reason why ive decided to quit with the knowledge youve given especially about getting proper sleep i realize cannabis just keeps me up and more anxious than having restful sleep an ive tried so many indicas. cbd has been helping alot with withdrawls

  4. I’ve stopped smoking weed several times… went through the process of withdrawals and every time is a bit different. I’m also an alcoholic which plays a role in my anxiety and depression when it comes to quitting thc/weed. Already dealing with anxiety and stress/depression before thc use made it much harder psychologically. I’ve done the cold turkey thing and for me at the time being a heavy heavy user was the worst but I got through it with the help of my family and friends. Recently stopped/quit for good 🤞🏻 I weaned off weed smoking less and less each day then went to low dosage gummies. Taking the smoking habit away. I feel it helped a lot with my appetite withdrawals. All the other withdrawals were still there. After I got down to 50mg gummies a day I went cold turkey from there. A lot easier but obviously prolonged my addiction. In the end I feel like it was easier for ME only because I already suffered with anxiety and depression. I’m only writing this because I hope there are others out there that can benefit from this. Cold turkey sometimes can feel endless, although with the support from friends and family, even social media friends can help soooooo so much. I’m only 5 days free from thc but everything in my life is getting better and my appetite is back. I’m motivated to help others that are going through the same experience. I’m going to stay active on this channel because I feel like it’s helped me tremendously with my recovery to a better life. Hope you all reach out if you ever need someone to chat with. Peace and Love

  5. What up Dr F
    Commenting from Vegas.
    Once your why is powerful enough,
    Getting started
    I think if you wake up and dont smoke all day then you won that day.
    Do that 10 more times and I think ur good to move on from the substance

  6. thank you Dr Frank for this. I was watching your videos today as I am going thru withdrawals now on day 4. I only used for 2 months and I thought I was using litely.

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