Epilepsy for your Birthday | Scott Losse | Dry Bar Comedy

What do you do when you find out you have Epilepsy? Watch the incredible Scott Losse in “Okay” only at …


  1. This is so relatable! Thanks for making me laugh about something I'd normally not want to laugh about! And being from Colorado, yeah, I get a lot of questions about weed and CBD. πŸ˜†

  2. Goodness, I have so many funny post-seizure stories. There was one time I tried making out with my mom because I thought she was my boyfriend, one time I responded to the question β€œwho’s your favorite doctor?” with the name of my 5th grade math teacher, and I have a video on my channel of me recovering from a seizure, half-conscious, responding to all of my mom’s questions with β€œI love you.” πŸ˜‚

  3. This guy is pretty cool! I fainted last year and was asked what year it was and I said 1997. Got my age wrong too. I nearly fainted a few weeks ago and it was really serious as a went as white as a sheet and went really cold and the ambulance asked me what day it was and I said nobody knows what day it is with Covid-19.

  4. Hey man, thanks for laughs. I was diagnosed with epilepsy at 24 and my parents are 65, and my docs also don't know why I became epileptic so this was pretty funny on all ends for me. Keep making people laugh.

  5. So true about the people wanting to "fix" epilepsy with smoking weed. I can't count the number of times people have asked me if I have tried it for mine. Thank you NO!

  6. Same thing happened to me. When I turned 14 years old I had my first seizure. None of the doctors knew why. After a year of horrible intense scary testing, plus a brain operation, they diagnosed me with epilepsy. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! ☹️

  7. I was diagnosed at 18 with tonic-clonic epilepsy, first they diagnosed me with syncope. But I'm like nope its epilepsy, as far as we know I'm the 6th generation in my family to have it. Saw it coming from a mile away just never knew when it was gonna hit haha. What made it more fun is I was diagnosed a few months after my mom had my brother so when I would go see doctors and get tested he would sit there in his stroller flirting with all the girl doctors and techs that worked on me haha. Wen they told me I had tonic-clonic epilepsy I was like wow that sounds like a mixed drink haha. I've used humor to cope with my epilepsy cause it just makes it better I just tell my friends it's a cool party trick I can do, just turn on the Harlem shake or any dubstep and then they'll see my best dance moves, cause I've gotten tired of hearing all the questions like if I'm gonna have one around them or what do they need to do. It gets on my nerves too when they freak out over every little thing might possibly set them off and I'm like I'm good yall I promise I wont turn into a fish out of water. I even got the nickname shake 'n bake after having a few around a small group of friends, they didnt know if they should call an ambulance or an exorcist after one seizure I had in front of them. My parents even threatened to buy me a football helmet because for some reason i like having seizures while standing up so i tend to fall face first as soon as the signs hit and they arent long warnings either so I never have time to get into position.

  8. I have two kids with epilepsy, my daughter, although only 13 has the best since of humor, I sent her a link to this. Thanks for making something that really sucks funny. Great job!

    We were in my car not too long ago, my daughter and 3 of her friends… my kids carry diastat (for anyone that isn’t epileptic that’s rectal Valium that people with epilepsy carry with them) anyway, one of the kids was talking to herself in the window reflection, just being silly, one of the other girls said her name and then said β€œare you okay? I thought you were having a seizure!” And my daughter says β€œdon’t act like you’re having a seizure or my mom might stick something up your butt!!” That will make a car full of 13 year old girls squeal. πŸ˜³πŸ˜¬πŸ˜‚πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ‘

  9. I don't think Epilepsy is funny, maybe with my husband joking about funny things happening in the post-ictal state, but I do get the trying to make lemonade attitude. Unfortunately this guy is just so not funny it's sad, but I'm glad his Epilepsy is obviously so mild. Many others have very serious scary lives and would probably not take it so lightly.

  10. I've had epilepsy since I was 9 I'm turning 21 this year it's hard having a sense of humor about it but I'm glad he's being very positive about it

  11. I cannot count how many times people have said "just smoke weed" to me. Or when I tell people about it they look at me absolutely terrified and say "oh you won't have a seizure around me will you?" That's the plan but not exactly the outcome.

  12. One sudden epileptic to another, this made me laugh so hard about pre and post episode experiences! It's so weird when people chide me for having a sense of humor about it being that I'm the one who honestly has to think about the possibility that, at any moment, I could wake up anywhere not knowing anything. I best have a sense of humor. Lawdy, thanks for the giggle!

  13. Omiword I've gotten the shrug emoji from my doctor! Which I do not currently have on my phone. I know this because I scrolled through my entire emoji keyboard. Twice. The rest of my night to be completely occupied looking for better emojis. Awesome job, gonna see if you have any more clips! πŸ‘

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