VanderWall, O’Malley vote on marijuana rules, teenagers stocking liquor, school pensions

Source:, a free, non-partisan website created by the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, providing concise, non-partisan, plain-English descriptions of every bill and vote in the Michigan House and Senate. More information can be found online at

From revising marijuana business rules and bill allowing cobblers to donate shoes, to high school diploma rules and free snowmobiling weekend — see how Manistee area lawmakers voted on recent measures. 

• 2022 House Bill 5696, Let minors age 16 stock liquor store shelves

To permit minors age 16 and up to stock shelves and do related functions in a business that manufactures or sells liquor.

Passed 86 to 17 in the House

State Rep. Jack O’Malley, R-Lake Ann, supported the measure.

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