How to Reveg Cannabis After Harvest | Revegging Your Cannabis Plant Tutorial

Click Here to Subscribe – Re-vegging your marijuana or cannabis plant is a great and easy way to save those …


  1. I cut branches of while in 2nd and 3rd week of flower and use for cloning. Put those under 16 hrs of light and they took off. Another thing. Has anyone ever tried to re veg a female that got pollinated by a male. The female in question was so frosty that I just couldn't trash it. I put her back in veg after taking 90 percent of the buds. She's growing again. Hopefully she produces with no seeds. I will post here if successful

  2. It's faster to plant a new seed or clone, and the weed won't bud up as nicely as the first time after a re-veg. With that being said though sometimes re vegging is a nice option to have.

  3. I feel like you should've just taken clones earlier or you shouldn't of put it in flower and you could've just used it as a mother plant if you don't get any big shoots after a month that's sort of a waste of time

  4. New technique on cloning. That's awesome.
    1. Most people rid the bottoms during lollipop.
    2. Sometimes you don't know how much you like what you have until it's past time to pull. Very well put. This helps the ones with just one seed.

  5. I have a plant 5 weeks into flower, ended up drowning, all leaves are dead, buds are immature and small…if I cut all the buds off and put it under 18 hours of light or more per day, can I save this bitch?

  6. Looks like seed weed therefore.pointless to re-veg a marijuana plant, better off to grow a new plant from scratch and get more, and better weed not seedπŸ₯‡

  7. What happens if they accidentally get put in flower from actual babies? Then get little hairs, will they revert back ok? It’s been 3 weeks of mistake by my friend

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