MagicalButter Creates A CBD-Infused Dog Treat Recipe | NowThis

Here’s how you can make CBD-infused treats for your dog! [This video was originally published January 2019] » Subscribe to …


  1. Nosotros somos fabricantes de todo tipo de productos hasta casas con el mejor CBD orgánico del mundo cultivado en Canadá, Colorado y ahora lo mejor en la zona azul del Planeta de Costa Rica.
    Nuestro lema es "La buena salud radica en conocer la verdadera medicina".

  2. After many failed experiments with some other brands, I finally found this brand. Weedborn products are the best and I don't think I would ever need to look for another CBD supplier. I highly recommend for practically any health problem.

  3. Didn't know dogs eat Coconuts, why wouldn't you feed dogs the type of fats they evolved to eat? maybe if you fed dogs there natural diet you wouldn't have to drug them. This is a really sad story and symptomatic of modern America, there's a drug to fix everything

  4. My dog had sudden Intervertebral disk disease. She went from being the most active athletic/muscular dog to a skeleton that could barely move. Vet prescribed steroids and pain meds but she kept getting worse. I was in process of coming to grips with putting her down until my sister brought her CBD's and minerals. Within 72 hours my dog was walking and eating again. I will never doubt the power of cbd's!!

  5. works on humans too! check out the study by the University of Saskatchewan, medical CBd for the reeducation of seizures when other meds dont work, the medical keto diet works too for seizures

  6. I am a Muslim girl and the reason for being a Muslim is to say that there are Muslims who love you, respect you, and appreciate you, because in the end we are human beings and equal. My goal is to spread positivity and the second I want to plant love in our world and I am like an Arab. I want peace, love and respect, and my words have nothing to do with the video💘🌹.

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