Is marijuana bad for your brain? – Anees Bahji

Explore how marijuana’s two main active compounds, THC and CBD, affect your brain and body, and what risk factors to watch …


  1. Psychosis is going to skyrocket, including schizophrenia. Marijuana use even in small towns in red states is blasting off, and you don't know which of the users are prone to psychotic mental breaks. Great for the medical and pharma businesses like Alkermes Corporation though. Treatment centers too.

  2. Smoked everyday from age 25 to 27, almost clean for 3 years, had only twice in these three years. Marijuana is fun, non addictive and is a treasure given to humankind. I don’t smoke regularly now as I got several other responsibilities like family and work but whenever I get some time off, open up a video series or a book roll up a joint and boom enjoy life in heaven. Also I don’t drink and don’t smoke. Have restricted myself only to marijuana.

  3. Hello everyone, I don’t know if this comment section is active or not but I’m 17 and have been smoking since I was 16 close to 17. I’ve taken a few monthly and weekly breaks between then now. But I still kind of realized how much I consume and how it’s a lot even though it may be 4 bowls a day or just often times hitting the pen through out the day but it’s a lot when you add that up. So I have a plan, and that is making this weekend my last for smoking and I’ll try maintain that break either all the way to May or to the 30th which is my 18th. And my goal after this is to set up a balanced smoke life, wish me luck bois.

  4. Anybody else enjoy this wonderfully animated lots of color, Ted talk, wow, doing a scientific experiment with marijuana? When I smoke weed, I get very nerdy. I want to learn things so I can binge out late night smoking and watch things like this. So marijuana opens the gates to learning something new. That's the only gateway I know about marijuana or the gateway to the refrigerator. 😸🤣

  5. Best tip to smoking weed is just don’t use tobacco, makes it addictive because you crave the nicotine and it’s just all round worse for your health. Smoke it how it was made to be smoked😂

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