CBD Oil: How To Make Cannabis Oil at Home – Easily!

Curious to see our newest video showing how we extract our CBD oil using C02 extraction? Check out our recent vlog on the …


  1. Mind me asking what the reason for using ice cold ethanol instead of just room temperature or even slightly above, I would have thought a slightly warmer ethanol would help leach the oils out much better and quicker? Iā€™m not a pro so please excuse me if this is a stupid question.. šŸ˜·

  2. Hi and thank you very much for your videos, your character of cool is nice to watch and your explanations on point.
    Question: so I made a CBG Ethanol Extraction and it is more waxy like, almost resinlike. should I solve this now in oil? or what is normally the next step after having this very crude waxlike material? thank you very much.

  3. Excellent video explaining how to make oil!
    I just wanted to cry at the beginning when i saw you breaking a branch with a immature flower

  4. Hmm. I wonder if my slow cooker would be too hot on low setting? Your rice cooker looks almost identical to my slow cooker and it has three settings. High, low, and keep warm but it cooks really hot for a slow cooker. Even while on keep warm setting it simmers around the inner edge all of the way around. Thank you for your videos! They're done very well!

  5. Thank you. My fam inherited (or got from environmental factors, and toxins in our food and slum landlord's mold in home) various diseases and disorders. Our hospitals are generally too expensive and most of the doctors are residents that dont' have empathy and work 12 hr shifts so are naturally tired. We plan to use the legally allowed amount of plants to extract our own oil. Thank you for the video!!

  6. I want to buy Cannabis oil in Canada but they mixed it with a carrier oil to make the cannabis oil…Not sure if this is effective enough for medicinal purposes…

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