Side Effects of Phenobarbital in Dogs

Should I be worried about the side effects of phenobarbital? Dr. Wong answered this pet parent’s question during one of our live Q …


  1. What I really want to know is what happens when Phenobarbital enters the lungs?
    Does it cause inflammation? Irritation?
    My dog inhaled some of her meds and has been coughing ever since.
    This has happened before , after about 4 to 5 days she stops coughing.
    Is there anything I can do to help her?

  2. My aunt's dog has just had an injection (it says 20mg/ml but not how many the emergency vet gave him). He is home but extremely agitated, walking into things, lethargic then has periodic bursts of energy. He is usually on Epiphen but is so disorientated that he won't eat the food we disguise it in.
    If it is just a one off injection, how long will this take to wear off? Thanks

  3. Does it make your dog lethargic or sleepy? My dog just took it. He’s a chihuahua and got only a quarter of a pill. He seems sleepier than normal when he took his second dose. Just more sleepier than he usually is. With the first dosage earlier he did have one seizure still on it. are those things normal?

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